𝐱𝐯. shopping

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❪     in real life    

✧˖*°࿐   CHAPTER FIFTEEN!❪     in real life     ❫

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THE LAST FEW DAYS HAD GOTTEN SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER FOR ISABEL. Instead of letting herself sit in bed and cry, she opted to hang out with her friends and do things good for her mind. It had been almost a week since the break up and she was starting to feel normal again—like there was no longer a missing piece in her life. Austin had barely even crossed Isabel's mind.

Currently she was out shopping with Gabbie and Kate. They were all looking for an outfit to wear to Jada's birthday dinner this weekend. And even though Isabel had plenty of options to choose from already, Gabbie insisted she treated herself to something new.

"Let's go in here," Gabbie said, walking into Zara. Isabel followed Gabbie to the dresses while Kate went to look at pants. Kate had never liked to wear dresses—she was more of a causal person when it came to clothes.

Isabel began thumbing through the dresses, skipping the bright colored ones, as she wanted her outfit to be more elegant. None of them were catching her eye. They were either too flashy or too skimpy to be wearing in the winter.

Gabbie gasped from the other side of the rack, holding up a floor length, silk, silver dress. Isabel nodded her head in awe at Gabbie, "You have to try that on, Gabs."

She smiled brightly, "Okay, I'm gonna go find a fitting room."

Isabel continued to look through the rack, her eyes finally halting on a plain black dress. It was floor length and had long sleeves, but the back was cut out. It seemed like the perfect dress to accommodate the current weather. She took it from the rack, eyeing the tag to make sure it was her size.

After confirming that it was her size, she walked over to where she could see Kate browsing through a rack of pants. "Finding anything?" She asked, sneaking up behind her. Isabel placed her chin on Kate's shoulder making the girl's breathing stop for a moment at the sudden contact.

"Not really," Kate breathed out. "I'll probably just wear something I already have." Isabel hummed, taking her head off Kate and holding up the dress to show her.

"What do you think? Cute or too scandalous?"

Kate turned her body to face Isabel, eyeing the dress. Her cheeks flushed at the thought of Isabel in it. "Super cute. Try it on."

Isabel's eyes light up at Kate's approval. "Come with me, I need your opinion once it's on too." She grabbed Kate's hand and drug her along to back of the store where the fitting rooms were. Three of the four were open so she figured Gabbie was in the other one. "Gabbie?" She called out in a hushed tone.

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