Chapter 7-Brayden

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Cameron Stiles

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Cameron Stiles

Brayden didn't know what to think about her meeting with the Headmaster, he seemed almost spooked at the mention of her mother, like he'd seen a ghost. He looked like he'd been about reveal something pretty important before Ashton Phillips interrupted. She really didn't know what to think about her most recent interaction with that asshole. It was like every time she came into contact with him, he looked like wanted to throw her against the lockers and either fuck her or kill her. Based on the way he always glared at her, she was assuming it was the latter.

"You're all set, dear," Mrs. Simmons said as she handed Brayden her schedule. "Better hurry, your next class starts in fifteen minutes. Your first period has already been excused by Headmaster Kensington."

"Thank you," Brayden replied quietly, looking at her schedule and groaned internally. Of course she had to have math first period. Her day wasn't sucking enough.

"Welcome to Jensen High," the eternally smiling woman said.

Brayden nodded her thanks—it seemed like everyone was saying that to her, as if it wasn't like every other high school in the country—and walked out of the office. She was trying to memorize her class schedule, she hated being dependent on a piece of paper all day so she wanted to commit it to memory. Call her a nerd, but she was prone to losing things. And because she wasn't paying attention, she crashed into a hard body for the third time that day—and it wasn't even noon yet. She groaned and looked up, expecting to see those cold silver eyes glaring back at her. Instead, she saw a pair of eyes the color of liquid gold looking back at her in concern.

"Are you okay?" the owner of the eyes asked in a deep voice. Brayden stepped back so she was no longer pressed against him. She sucked in her breath when she really looked at him. What are they feeding these boys, she thought to herself.

He was the epitome of tall, blonde and handsome. He had golden hair that matched his eyes and a magnetic smile. Unfortunately she wasn't as drawn to him as she was to Ashton—maybe she needed therapy to discuss why she was attracted to the asshole—but it was nice to see a friendly smile for a change. It finally registered with her that he'd asked her a question when she saw a flash of amusement in his eyes.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Thanks," Brayden replied. "Sorry for bumping into you. I've been crashing into everyone a little too often today."

"Hey, I never have an issue with beautiful women bumping into me," he answered with another smile. "I'm Cameron Stiles. You can call me Cam."

"Brayden Hayward," she replied, smiling shyly. She wasn't used to being called beautiful. "I don't really have a nickname." Unless you count Brady, she thought to herself. A name that I will not be telling him about.

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