Chapter 9-Brayden

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It was safe to say that Brayden already hate her new school and her hopes hadn't exactly been high. Her mother would tell her not to make any snap judgments, but Brayden was looking at the facts. First, she had bumped, or crashed, into the king of assholes, not once, but twice. Then she was shoved into a closet by the same asshole. Now some deranged girl just upended her tray so her favourite red tank top was now covered with spaghetti and meat sauce. All things considered, her school sucked. The silver lining was that she was most likely not going to be here very long. As Brayden looked down at her stained shirt, she blinked away tears she refused to allow to fall. She hadn't asked to come to this school, and she had no previous experience with bullies, but she wasn't going to let them know they were getting to her.

"There's more where that came from, bitch, if you don't stay away from him," the girl whispered in her ear. "He's mine."

The girl then flipped her auburn hair over her shoulder in the way that only mean girls knew how to and stormed off. Brayden was in a state of confusion about what, and who, the girl was talking about and she didn't really care. She was mortified and she could feel every pair of eyes on her, especially his. For all she knew, Ashton was the one who put the girl up to it.

"Eat shit, Darcy!" Callie yelled out before putting a hand on Brayden's shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Brayden mumbled. "It's just a few stains, right? Nothing to be upset about."

"Are you sure?" Callie asked, concerned. "We can—"

"Hey, are you okay?" Devon asked walking up to the girls.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Brayden replied, blinking up at Devon in surprise. Except for the two minutes when they'd met, she hadn't realized that Devon had really noticed her. Then she saw the way he was looking at Callie and the way Callie was looking back at him, and she understood.

"Hi, Callie," Devon said nervously which really surprised Brayden. She never thought a man as big as Devon could ever be nervous. Especially not about a girl who barely came up to his shoulder.

"Devon," Callie replied coldly. There was a story there and once Brayden got the food stains out of her shirt, she was going to bug Callie about it.

"I'll take it from here," Rowan chimed in, stepping up to the trio. "Come on, Brayden. I bet if we get water and soap on that quickly, we can get those stains out in no time."

Brayden looked between Callie and Devon again before nodding. Whatever was going on between those two, Brayden had a feeling they didn't want her privy to it. She followed Rowan out of the cafeteria after waving goodbye to Callie and ignoring the pair of silver eyes that were burning into her back.

"So what's going on between your brother and Callie?" Brayden asked as the girls walked down the hall. She blushed every time someone's eyes focused on her stained shirt. She was going to have to grow a stronger skin if she was going to survive another day at this school.

"They dated for over a year, then she dumped him," Rowan answered with a shrug. "Not really a tragic love story, but Devon was pretty devastated. How did your meeting with Headmaster Kensington go?"

Brayden had a feeling that there was more to the story, but it was none of her business so she let it go. She wrinkled her nose as she mulled over Rowan's question.

"It was interesting," Brayden replied honestly. "Apparently he knew my mom."

"He did?" Rowan asked, surprised. "What's your mom's name?"

"Estelle. Estelle Oswald," Brayden replied, looking curiously at Rowan when the other girl went as white as a sheet. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah. It's just, I've heard the name," Rowan answered, faltering. "Estelle Oswald was friends with my dad when they were kids."

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