Chapter III Enters: One-Millionth

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"Alright, let's move-" Katsu stated as he swiped his index finger downward and pulled up a blue holographic scoreboard that listed: Eliminations, Knocks, Assist, and Deaths. Though he wasn't there to verify how many eliminations he had, he probably had somewhere in the double-digits if he had to guess. But more importantly, he was searching through player names.

   It didn't take the 'random' long to pick up on it; he stated, "Krishna." Before abbreviating, "Or Kris, it's easier that way."

     "Kris got it. Come with me, you got a gun?" Katsu asked.

     "Crud... I completely forgot to buy one..."

   Katsu looked to the other in hopes of a different response but only a collective "no" came from their end.

     "It's alright," Katsu then informed, "there are random gun spawns on this map. Worst case scenario, you'll need to pick up a semi." He turned tail and rushed off into the woodland with the now-named random Kris behind him.

   The pair ventured through the map, both worked in silence. Katsu had an idea of what he would do, but Kris did not. Kris had wondered loads of things, none of which he bothered to ask, though suddenly he built up the courage, he whispered as they pruned behind a tree and a bush.

     "Katsu, one question."

     "Yeah?" He whispered back, he looked around as if suspecting enemies nearby.

     "Earlier you called the enemy dumb, why was that? Compared to me, they are invincible, but compared to you, they aren't  close to good."

   Katsu smiled, even though he wanted to talk loads about the game and do it all with a smile on his expression and not lose interest. But he'd have to cut the summary short for now. "In Calling Holo, there's one life per round, right?" Katsu beckoned with a question.


     "Because of that, you want to be tactical about things. I and you, just like everyone else, have a hundred health. To win, you just gotta make the most of it. They thought numbers could beat me, but that wasn't their main flaw. You see how we're on the attacking side?"


     "As an attacker, we have the bomb, spike, whatever you wanna call it." He motioned his hand to his back and attached was a black cylinder with blue and orange wiring all over it, etched with a tiny dark green squared screen. "That's the bomb. It's our job to plant the bomb on one of the four sites, A, B, C, or D. The map is big, so most people go for C since it's in the center. What I'm trying to say is they should've planted the spike, forcing me to go to them, rather than them coming to me. The rounds are what, twenty minutes long? Once that timer runs out and they haven't planted, they lose. The time was against them, but when they planted the bomb. It's in their favor."

     "Oh... I understand now, so we should plant the bomb!"

     "So you know what our play is now?"

     "We go toward... C?" 

   Katsu shook his head, "Nope. No can do." He froze as if he heard something, he looked around. "Follow." He simply stated, and walked nonchalantly, without a care in the world of being fired at. "No one's here, I'm pretty certain of it. Back to the topic at hand, you see if we go to C it's a death wish. It's in the center, the most obvious play, and definitely the hardest part to attack. Here's what I think: we go B. It's on the mountainside, we look down toward C, and we see how many people are there. For example, if we see three at C the most we can suspect as B would have to be...?"

     "It would be two. Thanks for the pointer, makes sense to me. You really do love this game don't ya?"

     "Yeah, what can I say, I'm going to be the best in the Holos," declaredKatsu

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