Chapter IV "Problems Outside of The Holos

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   Birds chirped, and the early sun shimmered, rising above all else.

Ren's mother shouted between teeth brush strokes. "Ren!

Ren lay in his bed sprawled out with the sheets tossed over him. "To be the king..." He murmured in his sleep.

"Ren! Wake up! It's morning, dear!" she shouted.

Ren's chameleon eyes popped open as the rays blinded him, he sat up with an "Ack!"

In the bathroom, his mother plastered cream on the side of her cheeks, which she then rubbed in with her palms, "Welp, he sure is awake." she muttered.

"Don't worry! I am- awake! I'm awake I mean!" Ren got out of his bed and stretched his arms above his head. He looked at his cornered set-up "I can feel it. Soon... I will be the best."

His mother fixed her teal v-neck shirt, she adjusted it to make certain it was in proper line to her chin. "Sure sounds like it rockstar, you need to hurry or else you're going to be late."

"Is staying home an option?" Ren joked as he looked through his wardrobe.

Ren sat slumped in the car's seat, dressed in a zippered-down red hoodie, with a white T underneath paired with black pants.

His mother sat beside him in the driver's seat, "Is there anything you want to do?"

"Hm?" He tilted his head, "What do you mean?"

She looked at his chest then behind him, though not at the window, more so to the side of his seat.

The boy looked at his chest, "Oh...! My seat belt is right." He pulled the seatbelt over and on, "I'm ready." He sat up and crossed his arms.

She looked at her boy with a faint smile. She pulled out of the street parking and onto the road they went. "So how did you sleep?" She asked.

"It was good, I guess, you?"

"I guess, I slept alright."

"Mom..." beckoned Ren with a side-eye.

"Yeah?" she replied with her lips tucked in, she knew what she did.

"When you say I guess then follow it up with alright makes it sound like you're hinting at something."

"Oh? Really now? I can't say I guess? Am I too old for that?" She teased.

"Mom, you're not a day over... Thirty."


Ren shrugged and muttered, "I don't know about that one... Grandma." He leaned against the window.

She giggled, "So what you mean to tell me is I'm old?"

"No, well... Maybe... Anyways about you sleeping, was I too loud again last night?"

"You guessed it." a bell rang in Ren's head as he had just won the worst son lottery.

Ren glanced at her, "Yeah sorry, ma'. I'll keep it down next time..."

She sighed, and shook her head, "It's fine to be as loud as you want." She paused and before Ren could respond, she continued, "But you should sleep earlier."

"You have a point," he agreed.

"Of course I do! I'm your mother."

"So how's work?" Ren changed the topic.

She glanced at him and back on the road, she nodded, "You know, just the boring medical stuff."

"Still tiring?"

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