Scarred soul

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In the depths of my soul, an ache so profound,
A heart-wrenching solitude, no solace to be found,
No one to confide in, my fears to release,
Tears fell upon my heart, once my vulnerable eyes now became heath

There's a void within, a chasm deep and wide,
Where no affection resides, no love to confide,
Loneliness engulfs me, like shadows in the night,
No one to hold me close, to make everything right.

Trust, a fragile thread torn by betrayal's hand,
Scars etched upon my heart, where love used to stand,
In every relationship, doubts start to unfold,
Fearful of deceit, my heart became stoned.

Self-hate, a ruthless companion I carry within,
Whispering cruel words, fueling my every sin,
A distorted reflection, tainted by shame's embrace,
I question my worthiness, consumed by self-disgrace.

But amidst this darkness, a flicker of hope resides,
A glimmer of strength urging me to confide,
For within me lies resilience, the power to heal,
To find a way forward, to let my heart unseal.

I reach out to the universe to the stars above,
Seeking guidance and solace— a testament of love,
For there's beauty in vulnerability, strength in letting go,
To embrace the unknown, to let my true self grow.

So let the tears fall, cleansing my wounded soul,
Embracing imperfections, making me whole,
No longer will I be silenced by doubt's strife,
For I am deserving of love, of a joyous and vibrant life.

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