Realm of my own

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In a world of gentle whispers, my mind would float, where time slows down and reality let's go,
Invisible wings carry me to hidden lands, where castle glisten, built by delicate hands.

In worlds of ink and parchment spun, Where dreams take flight, and tales are sung, Through pages turned and tales told, Escape from life's relentless hold.

In forests deep, where elves do roam, And castles rise from ancient stone, Imagination knows no bounds, As reality fades without a sound.

Dragons soar in skies of azure, Knights in armor, bold and sure, Magic weaves its potent spell, In lands where fantasy doth dwell.

As the sun sets low, painting the horizon in a golden glow, my daydream unfurl like the stories untold,
I sit by the shore, where the waves caress the sand, where dreams are free to roam, Reality becomes a distant home

But atlas, the daydream must eventually fade, reality beckons and passions must be laid,
Yet the memory lingers, a flame forever lit
A tast of freedom, In a world Where spirits lift

So when life grows heavy and worry weighs me down, I close my eyes and escape to my secret town, for within these realms of fantasy I find solace and release
A glimpse of paradise, where my longings find peace .

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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