Let's do this one more time !

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The city of Townsville Earth 928:

In the kitchen, the girls ate their meal in silence....
The silence was broken by the talkative man, the Professor Utonium, just like in the cartoon. This man looked exactly like the Professor, just older, the way he talks, the way he dressed...

They were staring everywhere in the kitchen, a modern kitchen, like the rest of the house, with dark cupboards, stainless steel appliances, and a booth table. The kitchen was opened and they could see into the living room. The living room was large, with a retro cubed-place fireplace, a wooden staircase, and futuristic furniture and a red sofa standing next to the staircase. On the other side, they had a view of the large garden, which seemed to be unkempt for a while. Their investigation were disturbed by an important information from the professor.

« The city has changed... I don't even know if you remember what happened ? »

Bertha was the first to answer, trying to get details.

« You said it was... 5 years ago, right ? »

« Yes, it's been 5 years. All we know is that you were fought Him and the RowdyRuff boys. You fell out of the sky, and they never reappeared again. The city was half destroyed, but everything is almost fine. We have a few monsters attacks, but they get bored quickly and go back  home. »


They looked at him as if he was crazy. Maybe he was and maybe it was a dream. They were supposed to be dead, but being in a cartoon ? It was impossible, only in fiction . But everything seemed so real.

« That's crazy man... » Betty laughed nervously. « Are you really going to make us swallow
this ?! »
She stood up angrily and walked up to her room as fast as she could, she walked upstairs to the room and closed the door. This was followed by boom and an exclamation came from her.

« She needs time.... » said Beatrice, playing with her food. She didn't want to react like Betty, but she felt the same way.

« Let me talk to her. » said Bertha.
She went up the stairs and entered in the room that has no door... not anymore. She looked at Betty as she walked in circles in the middle of the room.

The room was pink with some blue and green colors. The room looked very childish, as if little girls had decorated it. There were three windows just in front of her. The wind came through this and touched her skin, she tried to put a hand on Betty who rejected her.

« Are you really going to sit there and not say anything ? The Powerpuff Girls ? Really ? I'm not Buttercup, I'm Betty a normal teenage girl preparing for her sport competitions. Not a superhero trying to protect a city. » she sat on one bed.

« Hey... We are all confused. I don't even understand how this is possible, but we'll figure it out. »

Beatrice came after Bertha, she needed to know what they were talking about. 

« None of us understands. We're supposed to be... dead and we're not.... » said Beatrice.

« We will find out why, but first we have to calm down and pretend to be the Powerpuff Girls. »

« Pretend to be what ?! » said loudly Betty.
Bertha put a hand on Betty's mouth.

« Stop talking that loud ! If the Professor hear us.... »

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