First Lost Tooth

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(7 years old)

     All morning I had a tooth ache. But not only that it was wiggly. I got up in the morning and ate my breakfast slowly being careful not to hurt myself or loose my tooth. I was scared for it to come out even if it was natural, but what did I know, I was seven years old.

     "Ready to go to school?" Will asked me.

     "Mhm." I said.

     I grabbed my book bag and coat as Will grabbed the keys and his own coat. We went down the stairs and got in the vehicle. I sat in the back in booster seat and Will put on some music. I sang and danced horribly all the way to school, making Will chuckle a few times. As soon as we got to school I went to my class and sat down with my best friend Eva Dawson, who's dad works with Jay in the intelligence unit.

     A few hours later it was lunch time. So I got out my apple slices and started eating them. As so as I bit down a quick sharp pain came on my gums, so I immediately took the apple out of my mouth. I let out a slight scream at the sight. My teacher came over to me and set a hand on my back bending down to my height.

"What's wrong Audrey?" My teacher Mrs. Gaddass asked me.

"I have blood in my mouth see." I exclaimed showing her my apple.

"Can I take a look in your mouth please?" She asked me. I nodded and showed her my mouth. "It looks like you have lost a tooth!" She told me and I looked at her with wide scared eyes.

"What?!" I asked her horrified.

"It's ok, it is just a baby tooth. Another one will come back in, and that will be your adult tooth." She told me and I relaxed. "Let's go get you cleaned up in the bathroom, and I'll put this tooth in a baggie for you to give to your brothers."

I followed her to the bathroom and she helped me rinse my mouth out, and eventually the bleeding stopped. I went on with my day at school and put the baggie in my book bag. As the bell rung I ran outside and immediately spotted Adam.

I ran up to him yelling is name. "Adam, Adam, Adam. Guess what." I questioned him.

"What?" He asked with his eyebrows raised amused.

"I lost my tooth today!" I told him as he lifted me in his work car, finding Kevin in the passenger seat. "Oh hi Kevin!"

"Thats really cool Bri!" Adam told me.

"Now the tooth fairy will have to come." Kevin chimed in.

"What's the tooth fairy?" I asked confused.

"The tooth fairy is this magical creature, who comes at night when you're asleep. You have to put your tooth under your pillow." Adam told me.

"And then the tooth fairy takes it and leaves you with a dollar." Kevin said finishing the story.

"Although I hear the tooth fairy has been leaving twenty dollar sheets lately to kids who are extremely good." Adam told me making Kevin snicker.

"So...I get money for loosing a tooth?" I asked confused.

"Yup!" Kevin said as we arrived at the district.

"And if I'm really good I could get twenty dollars?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Exactly." Adam told me with an amused grin as he picked me up and took me out of the car.

We walked up the steps and into the district. I saw Trudy so ran to her and told her what the men had told me in the car. She smiled and laughed. She also worded something with her lips, but I couldn't tell what she was saying to the gentlemen behind me. We then walked up the steps and Kevin buzzed us up. We walked up and I instantly spotted Jay at his desk so I ran over to him.

"Jay!" I yelled as I ran and he picked me up placing me on his lap. "I lost my tooth at school today." I told him taking the baggie out of my bag and showing him the proof.

"Awesome!" He told me as he kissed my hair.

"Now the tooth fairy can come." I said excited. "Kevin and Adam told me about her. They also said that if I am extremely good, I won't get just one dollar, I'll get twenty dollars!" I told him with emphasis on the twenty.

"Oh did they now?" He asked me giving an unimproved glare to the men. Meanwhile, the rest of the detectives had grins and Adam and Kevin snickered. "Well I happen to know the tooth fairy, and she says she hasn't given more than five dollars to a kid." And with that I slumped.

"Awe ok." I said disappointed as I jumped off Jays lap and went to do my homework in the break room.

I waited a few hours in the break room until Jay came and got me. We went home and I ran up the stairs into the apartment to find a tired William already inside.

"Will!" I said to him yelling.

"What?" He asked me with a smile and put his laptop down giving me his full attention.

"I lost my tooth today at school." I said excited.

"Cool!" He told me happily. "Let's go get something to eat. I made your favourite. Tacos."

     "Yes." I exclaimed. I ran over to the table and Will made me Tacos while Jay made himself Tacos. Will grabbed his own supper then came and sat with us. I complained about how weird it felt to eat with a missing tooth, but Will said it wont hurt anything and to take little slow bites.

     After food we watched a movie. After the movie Will announced it was bedtime. So I went and got in bed waiting for my goodnights from my brothers. Five minutes later Will and Jay both came in, and Will had my tooth baggie.

     "Don't forget about this." He said as he held it up in front of me.

     "Oops!" I laughed sheepishly and lifted up my pillow. Will placed the baggie underneath then gave me a kiss on the cheek.

     "N'night." Jay said repeating what Will did by giving me a kiss on the other cheek. He then pulled my blanket up to my chin covering me. They left my room shutting off the light, and I was out in an instant.

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