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Chapter TwentySix
Los Angeles, CA

Lucas walked inside of Sam's Bistro after receiving a text from Brian to meet him there. He's been locked inside of his house since yesterday after seeing the pictures of Mya on the slopes with Chris.

"Yo." He said while approaching both Anderson brothers, Hoody, and Sinko.

"Wassup man." Brian said, shaking his friend's hand.

"Wassup." Lucas looked around at the eyes that stared back at him. "It must've been important you asked me to get down here as soon as I can."

"Yeah. I thought about beating around the bush, make small talk and shit but that's pointless. When you tell somebody that you'll take care of them when you see them, what does that actually mean?"

Lucas let out a small laugh, immediately assuming that Mya ran and told her brother but in fact, Chris called making sure that Brian checked his friend before he ended up somewhere he didn't want to be. "It was nothing man, I was just upset about her being in Switzerland with somebody that she swears she doesn't want anything to do with."

"We've had this talk numerous times. You're just a distraction. You didn't want to believe me because she fed you some lies, so that's on you."

"So I'm supposed to believe you over Mya, the person I'm dealing with?"

"Believe who you want, the whole point of this conversation is for you to know that threatening my sister is a no-go. I know I haven't been the best brother to her but I'm not about to let any nigga come at her crazy because he's in his feelings."

"I didn't mean anything harsh by what I said. I was just upset about what I saw and then she called him her husband while we were on the phone with each other."

"Fuck all this rah rah bullshit. Aye bro, stay the fuck away from Mya if you plan on doing some shit that's gone cost you yo life. That's it, dismissed." Hoody said before turning back around to focus on his phone.

Lucas just stared at him before looking back at Brian. He wanted to spazz but knew that those threats weren't empty. Instead, he stormed out of the restaurant.

As soon as he got in his car, he grabbed his phone to dial Mya.

Over in Switzerland, Chris and Mya were having a very good day. They'd been in Geneva for a few hours, trying to out do one another on gifts. Right now, they stood inside of Van Cleef. Chris watched as Mya started at different bracelets that she wanted.

"How much is this one?" She asked.

"45,000." The clerk answered.

"It's so pretty."

"It's a limited edition. I think this color would look beautiful on you."

Mya smirked. "You almost got me. I'm torn though because I like this one too." She pointed to one that had ruby clovers. "How much?"

"100,000. It's vintage, there's also a matching necklace."

"Oh my goodness. I'm tempted but I can't, I've spent too much today. Ugh." Before she could finish talking, her phone rung. Pulling it from her Birkin, she rolled her eyes at the sight of Lucas's name. "I'm going to step outside and take this." She told Chris and the clerk. Quickly walking to the door, Mya slid over the answer button and placed her phone to her ear. "Hello."

"You know you're really funny Mya." Lucas said.

"Excuse me?"

"So you ran and told your brother that I threatened you, knowing I'm not that type of guy."

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