Episode 5.

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5- His Royal Decree of Heartache

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5- His Royal Decree of Heartache


Curled up on his bed, Aeternitheos stared at the palm of his small hand, holding his large red ruby, its vibrant hue mirroring the intense shade of his jewel-red eyes. The room, adorned in shades of obsidian and muted greys, seemed to absorb the quiet contemplation that enveloped the two-year-old prince. After what felt like hours, he delicately tucked the precious gem away into the confines of his pocket, a secret treasure hidden from prying eyes.

With the grace of a dancer, Aeternitheos descended from the bed, his small frame landing soundlessly on socked feet. His gaze, ever observant, flitted towards the doors of his bedroom, sensing the nearby presence of Felix, the unwavering knight.

Drawing in a deep breath, the young prince closed his eyes, centring his focus on the wellspring of mana within him. In his white pyjamas, a stark contrast against the dark ambience of the Obsidian Palace, he disappeared into the night, wanting some time away from this madness.

With a gentle hum of magic, he transported himself to the familiar surroundings of the fountain, seeking solace in the quietude that enveloped the imperial grounds.

The soft murmur of water from the fountain soothed his tired senses, and he closed his eyes, letting the calming sounds wash over him. The young prince keenly felt the absence of fairies he used to see every day, as he now frequented by the assassins instead.

Amid his silent reflection, the air around him seemed to shimmer, and the familiar glimmers of ethereal light danced before his eyes. The faeries, his elusive companions, reappeared in a burst of radiant energy. Their delicate wings sparkled with iridescent hues, casting a soft glow in the moonlit night.

Aeternitheos couldn't suppress the small but genuine smile that tugged at the corners of his lips. Despite his exhaustion, the presence of the faeries brought a comforting warmth to his weary heart.

The faerie, with wings reminiscent of glistening petals, fluttered closer to Aeternitheos. Though they didn't speak, their silent communication was profound. She sent the child an understanding look, pressing herself to his cheek for a comforting hug to which he silently replied with a gentle rub of her head with his fingers.

Without waiting any longer, all the faeries extended their delicate hands, offering shimmering treasures— golden trinkets, silver baubles, and jewels that sparkled like the stars.

The tired prince accepted the gifts with a grateful nod.

The faeries then began a silent dance, their movements like a spell woven into the air. They beckoned Aeternitheos to join, their ethereal forms floating gracefully around him.

Initially hesitant, Aeternitheos soon found himself succumbing to the magic of the faeries' dance. Now with more practised grace, his small feet followed their intricate steps, guided by an unseen rhythm that resonated with the essence of the imperial grounds.

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