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    "Great job, (M/N)!" A masculine voice called. "Your skills are getting better every day."

(Y/N) turned at the sound of her name, or more specifically, her disguise's name. She was a woman, but as she was dressed as a man all for the sake of her ailing mother's sanity, she felt more so inclined to act the part. Wiping her hand over her brow, sweating from her exhausting training, she smiled at the owner of the voice as he stood outside the training field where she was.

"Thanks, Leo," she replied with a small chuckle as she walked closer to the man.

Before she could approach him however, he was instantly surrounded by a gaggle of women, all vying for his attention. It wasn't an unusual occurrence. With his silky brown hair, warm green eyes, and a killer smile, Leo Pandrina was the main heartthrob of Andell.

He was a guy any girl would want to have.

Of course, the same would apply for (Y/N), though it was a dream that couldn't come true even if she wanted it. Her heart clenched at the sight of him awkwardly laughing off the other girls' advances, wishing she could bury these feelings that only grew with each passing year.

After all, Leo only saw her as a man.

    A friend.

    "(M/N)!" Leo then called, snapping her from her thoughts as he jogged up to her with a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine—I'm already used to it, Mr. Popular," she teased, elbowing him in the ribs. "When are you finally going to settle down?"

"Who knows?" He hummed with a shrug. "I just haven't really found the right one yet."

"I hope it's soon," she chuckled. "It's getting tiring trying to fend off your fans."

    "Oh, come on!" Leo groaned, locking his arm around her neck and twisting his knuckles against her now messed up (H/C) hair. "It's like you're saying you don't have a fan base either!"

    Heat caressed her cheeks as she tried to shove him off her, hoping he wasn't able to hear the sound of how hard her heart was beating or realize the fact of how close they were. As the two continued their antics, they didn't pay attention to their surroundings, knocking into someone hard, (Y/N)'s eyes widening when noticing the woman she had just knocked over. She was beautiful, with flaming scarlet curls and sparkling emerald eyes, her expression however contorted in pain.

"Apologies, my lady!" (Y/N) was quick to rush out as she reached a hand out to help the woman stand, giving an apologetic smile in the process. "I should have been looking where I was going. You're not hurt anywhere, right?"

"Not at all," the woman smiled, her eyes then flicking towards Leo, instantly a pink blush spreading across her porcelain cheeks. "A-Anyways, I must be going now. Thank you for helping me up."

    "It was my pleasure," (Y/N) gave a curt bow before lacing her hands behind her back. "Please do be safe the rest of your way." Waiting a few moments more, she then exhaled heavily, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly as she uttered, "That was nerve-wracking. Did you see how finely she was dressed? I can't believe I ran into a noblewoman!"

Leo didn't answer her.

"Leo?" She glanced back at her friend.

    "(M/N)..." he muttered, staring after the woman. "I have to say that that was one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen."

(Y/N) blinked, shocked.

No, more so, feeling as if she had been shot.

She kept quiet as the two walked the rest of the way back to her house, Leo rambling on and on about the red-haired woman, allowing a feeling of jealousy and spite to wash through her. As soon as the door to her house closed behind (Y/N) did she let her face crumble, pulling her knees to her chest as she slid to the floor to cover her unruly appearance, hurt beyond words.

But it was to be expected.

She should have squashed such feelings years ago, but she couldn't, and now she was facing the consequences for not doing so.

     "(M/n)?" A frail voice called from the next room, encoring a gasp from (Y/N).

Quickly wiping her tears away, she straightened her apparel before standing and entering the bedroom where her mother lay. Giving the woman a strained smile, she approached the bed she was lying in. As she replaced the cool cloth on her mother's forehead, she didn't realize that she was being studied until her voice rang out.

"What's wrong, dear?" Her mother questioned. "A strong man like you shouldn't cry."

"I'm fine, Ma. Just allergies," (Y/N) answered with a tight smile, wondering if her feelings had been written so clearly on her face when speaking with Leo prior, finding it even more hurtful that he was too busy thinking of another to notice.

She sat down next to her mother

Alliny (L/N) always had poor health, her condition worsening after having her child. With her husband gone, she so badly wanted a boy to help her, to provide for her. So when her daughter was born, Alliny, in her state of sickness, declared the infant (Y/N) as a man; as (M/N). For her twenty-some years of living, all (Y/N) knew was to hide her real gender—to pretend and deceive. The only reason she had an opposite name was because her father wanted to have a girl named (Y/N), she now having to live the two lives her parents wanted.

Her attention then snapped back to Alliny when she began to cough violently, specks of blood staining the baby blue sheets.

"Ma, please, sit up," (Y/N) gasped frantically, helping Alliny up and handing her a glass of water which she graciously took.

"My dear son, I don't have much time left," she rasped after drinking.


    Alliny held up her hand, silencing (Y/N)'s protests,  then continuing, "Listen to me, (M/N). When I am gone from this world, please live for yourself. Don't limit yourself to this small town. Be free."

"No, you'll be fine!" (Y/N) denied Alliny's woulda as she felt new tears slipping down her cheeks, gripping her mother's hands tightly in her own. "You'll be fine, you'll see. You'll get better. So, please..." Begging by that point, her hold on Alliny's hand fighting, she murmured, "...please don't leave me. I can't lose you, too."

"I am always with you, here," Alliny smiled, pointing to her heart. "I will always love and cherish you. Please, be free."

Her eyes closed.

(Y/N) watched, crying, as Alliny died.

    She was now utterly alone.

    She was now utterly alone

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