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Exiting Adrian's room after bidding him a respectful farewell, taking with her the cleaning supplies she used, (Y/N) gave a respectful nod to Basile whom she passed before returning the supplies, and moving on with her day. Everything went like clockwork as normal, something she found strange due to her rather eventful and somewhat disparaging morning.

She was glad when the day was over.

Currently lying down in the darkness of her room, one arm resting behind her head while the other lay across her stomach, she stared blankly up at the ceiling. It was late evening, the soft snores of her roommate breaking the silence, her thoughts consuming her at that point.

I wonder how Leo is doing?


    It's only been a couple months, but I miss them, the village, my routine...

My mother.

Turning over to face the wall, her back now facing the open space of the small room, (Y/N) began absentmindedly picking at the loose strands of her blanket. Closing her eyes, she thought back to when she was home, as a young kid, hiding her sex.

    I always made it so hard for Ma...

    Never listening...

    Always wanting to run off, even if I wasn't disguised properly...

    I'm regretting that now.

I miss her.

Even if she made me hide like this.

Though she closed her eyes and went to sleep, dreaming of happier times in Andell, she woke up in the palace, tossed back into her dull reality where she had to bow down just to stay alive. She swallowed that bitter pill though, knowing that everyday, she was earning her keep to allow her mother a peaceful rest. Freshening up in the washroom and slipping on her work clothes, she exited the room and walked down the hallways towards the kitchen, the wood floor creaking beneath her footsteps.

Upon entrance, the heavenly smell of meat and bread wafted over her senses.

"Ah, hello, (M/N)!" The chef called, a big man whose brown skin was already gleaming with sweat due to the stifling hot air from the oven and stove. "What are you doing up so early?"

"I just couldn't sleep," she answered as she took a fresh strawberry from the small pile that was set on a cloth. "That's all."

"I see... well, since you're up and haven't begun your daily duties yet, could you perhaps help set up the dining table?" The chef requested of her, gesturing to the rolling tray already set up with the needed cutlery and glasses. "I would much appreciate it since I'm running a bit behind schedule in preparation."

"Of course," she nodded, placing her hands on the small wooden bar to push the cart out of the room, the wheels squeaking with every rotation.


The dining room should be down this hall...

Pushing the doors to a large room open with her back, her heels squeaking softly against the soft polished floor, she rolled the cart in and stoped just short of the long table that was set in the center of the room. Beautiful, lavish paintings hung from the walls while a few small tables were set up against said walls with trophies and plants sitting on the surface. Crouching down, (Y/N) surveyed what was placed in the trays.

Four people...

Four royals...

    Taking a match, she lit the brass candles that were already on the table, flicking her wrist to extinguish the flame when she was done. Then setting up plates and glasses, she carefully laid out crisp napkins before setting several pieces of cutlery on top, glad to have brushed up on her etiquette every so often during the month and half she had been there. Finally, she was done.

    I think that's everything.

    Right now, all that's left is setting out food and pouring the drinks.

    Giving a small nod in approval, mentally patting herself on the back, she moved to exit the room before stopping short. Watching as the chef and two other men brought in three carts of food, all made up lavishly and to perfection, she could feel herself. salivating from the delectable smells. Buttery biscuits, smoked ham and bacon, fresh green salads, fluffy yellow eggs, and the sweet, tangy smell of wine all mixed together to form an aroma that made (Y/N)'s stomach growl.

    "Oh, (M/N)!" The chef called sigh a smile. "Could you please help us set up? If you still have time, that is—I wouldn't want to infringe upon your work."

    "I have time," (Y/N) waved away his worries as she rushed forward to carry the plates forward.

Before long, the table was completely set, not long after the King, Queen, Princess, and Adrian walking in for their morning meal. Standing against the wall with several other workers who had shown up just before the royals did, (Y/N) lowered her gaze in respect whilst lacing her fingers together to set them in front of her thighs. Listening to the clink of silverware and small chatter, she found herself wondering how she would leave the room.

I'm sure servants leave from time to time, so I don't think it should look too odd. After all, it's not as if I'm leaving to slack off, but instead do the tasks that I have been assigned to do.


"Servant?" The Princess called, snapping (Y/N) from her thoughts when seeing her raise her goblet. "More wine, please?"

One of the other severs who had a pitcher of said wine stepped forward to pour her a cup. Her mother, Delana, however, tutted at her daughter's alcohol intake as she dabbed at her red lips with a napkin, the paint sticking to the white towel in the form of her mouth. Her father, Kandef, on the other hand, waved away his wife's concerns with a small smile, allowing his daughter who was an adult to indulge in whatever she so wished before finding her a suitable husband to wed.

Adrian never spoke.

In fact, he hardly glanced up from his meal as he ate, ignoring his family completely.

(Y/N) noticed that.

It seems they aren't close.

How sad.

    How sad

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