Chapter 30: Cat Fights

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"Oh Crap! I fell asleep!" Noah jumped off the couch. He grabbed his backpack, startling me awake as he jumped on my bed.

"Go away. " I mummbled in my sleep, covering my head with the pillow.

A sudden realization dawned upon me that a boy, not to mention a very cute boy, had fallen asleep in my room.

"Noah!" I announced loudly, my eyes widening as he took the pillow off my face.

"Wake up." He said, a sleepy smile on his face as he dragged the covers off of me. He threw the pillows onto the beige carpet.

"Shut up loser." I murrmered as he kept whispering "Wake up " into my ear. The closeness of his breath on the back of my neck sent tingles down my spine.

"Listen Vera, Your dad and I need some time to have sex, we haven't done anything for a whole TWO hours and I'd appreciate it if you and Mr. Hunk over here keep it down!" My mom angrily stomped in my room, a bathrobe covering her body loosely."I understand that you children have needs too so I'm giving you your fucking privacy so give me mine!" She practically yelled, stomping back to her bedroom, preparing to remove the bath robe.

I turned my head to look at the door where she just left, I hadn't realized I was so close to Noah, we were sitting so close together, too close even. Noah had made himself comfortable on my bed, until our lips accidentally touched. I tilted my head quickly and my nose bumped into his and the next thing I knew, our lips were touching. I pulled away a bit, startled. My lips were tingling although we didn't even intentionally kiss.

My heart beat soared and my breath hitched out of my chest. Every part of me wanted to apologize but I couldn't.

My eyes met his, he'd noticed our accidental kiss too. Oh crap no. He looked at my lips and back to my eyes, my breathing became shallow and my heart just wouldn't slow down for a second to let me catch my breath. I was drowning in his ocean of green gorgeous eyes as his face slowly moved closer.

He shut his eyes, he was so beautiful, but I hardly knew him. All I knew was that he was an adopted hero.

He was a mere centimeter away when I suddenly pulled back, my cheeks as red as a rose and his eyes wandering my features in confusion.

"I'm sorry." He began, standing up and straightening himself up, "I didn't mean to do anything, I just," he began juggling random words into separate phrases. "I. . .uh." For once he'd lost his cool, he'd completely been speechless.

"I won't talk about it if you won't." I mummbled, staring at his torso as he was standing in front of my bed. I tried not to make eye contact.

"What?" This seemed to irritate him as his voice cracked, maybe he hadn't heard me, "I mean, if that's what you want." He said, I could feel his green eyes boring holes into my skin. Here he goes being a gentleman after such an awkward moment.

"It's fine," I smiled, suddenly looking up to be met with beautiful emerald green eyes. An emotion I couldn't recognize flashed in and out of his eyes.

"Well I better get going." He gave me an adorable half grin and began walking towards my open door, "I left a notecard about me so you can put that into your powerpoint." He said, hesitating to take his last step out of my room, his back still turned towards me.

"Thank you." I whispered, my lips still tingling.

He nodded and took a step out of the door and down the stairs.

I let out a deep breath which I didn't know I was holding as soon as he stepped out.

"What the fuck are you doing here!" A loud boom of yelling erupted from downstairs.

I quickly jogged down the stairs to see Christian and Noah glaring at each other, appearing to be having an argument that would most likely result in a fight.

"I invited him over." I stated, standing beside Noah and reaching for his hand.

Christian needs a clear message. We're over, you cheated on me on the most important night of my highschool life and I'm not easy to win back.

Noah shivered as I touched his hand.

"What the hell are you doing Pure, I thought we had something." Christian's sad brown eyes stared from me to Noah and down to our intertwined hands. An anger seemed to appear on his face as his eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah Christian, we 'had' something but you know what, whatever we 'had' ended as soon as you cheated on me. Actually as soon as you lied to me because you're the reason Eleanor hates me, you're the flipping reason the sun doesn't come up." I yelled as his face turned into 50 different shades of confusion, then anger. Fear overwhelmed me and the arms that once held me and the calm eyes turned stone cold as he turned his gaze to Noah.

"You!" He yelled, pouncing onto Noah, knocking his to the floor.

"Me!" I recalled Noah saying yesterday. Too afraid to smile.

Christian started punching the poor guy, pounding his arms to his face. In between screams and cries for him to stop, Noah flipped him over and knocked him to the ground. He grabbed his ankle and twisted. Holy cow, does Noah do wrestling or some sort of kung-fu class?

"You fucking asshole!!!" yelled Christian, "Get your shitty ass the hell off of me!"

Noah pushed tighter onto Christian with ease, as a screaming Christian caused agony to my ears.

"STOP IT!! STOP!!" I screamed over and over again. I threw myself at them as Christian had regained control and was now punching Noah mercilessly in the beautiful face. Christian's lip was bleeding, as well as his nose.

It's hard to feel sympathy for an asshole.

"Stop!" I screamed as Christian threw a punch at Noah and hit me square in the gut.

I screamed loudly, fell onto my back, gasping for air that wouldn't quite reach my lungs.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!?!" Noah pushed Christian off of him, tossing him away as though he were a piece of trash.

"I'm so sorry Pure." Christian said, hovering over me as I held tightly to my stomache.

"You fucking asshole." Noah yelled, pushing Christian out of the house and shutting the door.

"It's ok, Pure, You're going to be ok."

The next thing I saw was an array of red flooding my face and vision.

Ok Hey Guys, as some of you may know, school started! Yay. . .

I'm really sorry I'm unable to update as often as I would like to but I'm incapable because of all the work and tests coming up.

Please bear with me here, I'll try to update at least once or twice a month but I'm not going to put a set schedule.

Again I'm truly sorry.

But I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please put a smile on my face by commenting and voting.

I love you all and I hope to update soon!

Pure Bliss ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя