Chapter 39: The Queen's Broken Crown

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I recall one time, throughout my life I'd had a person I could call my best friend.

It was in first grade, his name was Ryder Cup.

I think the only reason we became friends was because we were both bullied for our names.

"Cup?" I remember joking around with him once.

That was a long time ago.

He was a very emotional boy who couldn't help his anger when Kevin Smith walked up to him with his band of popular guys and told him that he should kill himself.

I was there, I recall Kevin turning to me and winking as anger had filled Ryder face. I suppose it must have been adorable to see a seven year old angry.

But that seven year old had endured more pain than any. He had lost his mother due to her going Haywall and he'd stood by her as she withered away into nothing.

I remember him telling me about a time he walked into his mom's bedroom and found her lifeless body hanging from the ceiling, a rope strangling her neck.

Poor Ryder Cup. He'd grown up with only his father and as far as I know, he's still in California somewhere.

The sudden thought of his warm gray eyes brought me back into reality as I cleared my throat. I had seen him on the news a few days ago. Apparently he got fed up with life.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked, placing her skinny hands on her bony hips.

"YOU don't have the right to ask me anything." I shouted, "Why did you follow me here, wasn't bullying me in California enough for you?"

"I was invited by my friend, who said there was. . . You know what, you don't deserve to know. You don't deserve to talk to me you slut, I prefer not to be seen with the likes of you." She announced. As she began walking back to her car, adrenaline surged through me, filling me up with anger that I thought my eyes were turning red.

I glared angrily at her as she swayed her bony hips to her car. I fumed with anger. Shaking in anger.

"She's not worth it." Noah's calm voice whispered in my ear as his strong arms grabbed my shoulders. A sudden calm filled me up. As she flipped me off and walked to her car, driving out of his parking lot and leaving.

I was about to chase her, and throw knives at her horrid car.

I'm not usually like this, I don't understand. Maybe I'd just been screwed over too many times that now, I can't handle it.

I turned on my heel, walking away from Noah's warmth.

I couldn't stand anyone or anything right now. Not my crazy parents who had a freaking wedding planned by ruined it and decided to run away and get married in Vegas. Nor my ex-jerk of a boyfriend who screwed me over at the hospital and then mouth raped me, or Amy Barnes, the devil who is trying to ruin my life.

I headed toward his car, feeling angry tears start coming on. It was crazy to think you could cry out of anger. And loss.

The feelings I'd had pent up all my life were about to explode. I wanted to scream and shout and throw things all over the place. I couldn't handle it any more.

I was a broken toy to Christian, a toy he felt needed one last tug before throwing it away for good.

Memories of the kiss flashed back into my mind. The fear that killed me mentally.

I was going to get my revenge. And I wasn't going to change my attitude toward these people. I'd still be same old oblivious Pure Bliss. What a stupid name.

Pure Bliss ✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα