40. Or we did something right?

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Wei Ying trembled. His entire body was sore from the tips of his hair to his toenails. "Don't move," he begged his husband. "If you move, I'm going to start all over again, and we ran out of oil." He carefully pulled out of the body below him, gripping Lan Zhan's hips to balance. He wanted to sit or, preferably, lay down. There was not a large enough place that was relatively clean; oil, semen, and sweat, dried or drying, stained everything from the bedding to the tent walls to the floor. Even Wei Ying's writing desk (or what remained of it after it was unsuccessfully used to prop Lan Zhan's hips up the first time he was penetrated) was covered in their spunk.

"Am I bleeding?" Lan Zhan carefully pushed up from all fours to balance on his knees and toes. "I feel...."

"I didn't see blood." Wei Ying exhaled hard. "Either we did something wrong or the dual cultivation book left a lot out."

"Or we did something right?" Lan Zhan's lips curled slightly. "I need a bath." He looked at the mess, "We should probably just burn this whole tent. I know I don't want to wash anything in here. After I find somewhere to lie down. I'm exhausted."

He looked it. Drying sweat covered his entire body; his hair was matted and wet as well. Wei Ying suspected he looked just as bedraggled. "Maybe Xue Yang brought something to sleep on?" He forced his weak legs to support his weight. "I'll go take a look at what he brought."


"I'm not putting my dirty clothes back on. And I'm not putting clean clothes on until I at least partially bathe." Walking felt weird; not only was his ass a good kind of sore from being penetrated, there was stuff sliding down his inner thighs. Disgusting. He shuddered. "I need a bath."

Not that it was just his ass hurting from sex. His thighs, waist, and abs also hurt.

Well... everything hurt. The generic body aches were due to dual cultivating. The rest was due to the entire night and almost the entire day having non-stop sex. He'd lost count of the number of orgasms Lan Zhan had wrung out of him somewhere around a dozen; the sun hadn't even risen by that point. He'd tried counting the number of times they'd taken each other; he'd lost count of that, too.

They'd tried to stop fucking each other several times; something was... almost forcing them to continue? His solo experience showed him that there was supposed to be a resting period between sessions. It was almost like they had eaten an aphrodisiac or something.... They'd orgasm, pant for a few breaths and the urge to continue would push them to join again....

Even now... there was an overwhelming need to go back into the tent and possess or be possessed.... Something beyond relieving themselves of their virginity.... Something beyond two soul mates joining for the first time. Something beyond what was written in the dual cultivation manual.

Wei Ying ignored the many itchy needs bothering his body to poke through Xue Yang's robes and belongings. There were a few water gourds, which would help them get rid of the worst of the crusty fluids. He had a clean set of robes, too; they could use them as a sleeping mat at least. There was even a pouch with some dried fruits and nuts; Wei Ying poured some into his mouth, suddenly ravenous.

"I found an uninvited guest," Lan WangJi, also naked, stepped outside the tent holding something small and wiggly between two fingers.

"A love mouse?" Wei Ying stood and approached his husband, making an exasperated face at the wriggling thing.

The creature was not a mouse as it had no tail, but was definitely in the rodent family. It was approximately half the size of a normal mouse. They were carnivores; due to their size, they had an unusual method of hunting. They emitted an odorless pheromone that acted like an aphrodisiac; their prey literally had sex until they died. Then the love mice family nesting nearby would feast. Many unscrupulous people had tried, and failed, to make a diluted version of the pheromone to sell to other unscrupulous people. "Good thing we're cultivators," Wei Ying shivered in disgust. "Or we'd still be fucking each other."

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