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It takes Natasha two days to show up to the house that I once thought would be our home. I had almost given up hope that she'd understand my code, but an hour before I was supposed to leave, she showed up.

We stared at each other over the kitchen island, neither wanting to speak first. But finally I couldn't take it anymore, "are you alright?" Despite everything, her well being was still my priority.

"That's what you want to know?" She asks, laughing incredulously.

I nod, "your well being has and always will be my priority."

Her jaw clenches, "then why not tell me about the Daxomites?"

"What did it tell you?"

"That you're a wanted fugitive, that you and your parents blew up a lot of things on your way off planet. That you're wanted for war crimes."

I sigh, "would you believe me if I said that it lied?"

She laughs once, "why should I? You've done nothing but lie to us from the moment that you arrived."

"Sure I may have neglected to mention a few things but I never lied," I tell her, almost pleading.

"Yeah sure."

Slowly I ask, "what do you think I lied about?"

"Everything!" She explodes. "You lied about who you are, your past, about being wanted on another planet, about loving me-"

"I never  lied about loving you!" I yell. "I may not have told you everything about me, but I would never lie about my feelings for you!"

"I can't trust that," she says softly.

I breath deeply, "I don't want to fight."

"What do you want? Why'd you tell me that you'd be here?"

I look down at the two duffel bags on the floor, one mine and the other hopefully hers, "I want you to come with me."


"I need you to come with me Natasha," I tell her. "I obviously can't stay here, but I really don't want to go without you. So please, come with me."

I can see the struggle in her eyes, but only for a second. "No," she tells me.

I knew she wouldn't, but I had still hoped. "Why not?"

she sighs, suddenly looking exhausted, "because I can't do this," she says, motioning between us. "It's too much, you're  too much."

I blink back the tears that her words have brung, "do you really mean that?" She nods and I swallow the lump in my throat, "then I'll leave you alone." Picking up my dude bag, I sling it over my shoulder and head for the door. Natasha follows behind me and when we get out into the cool night, I close and lock the door, handing her the key. "The house is yours if you want it. Sell it, burn it, I don't care."

I don't wait for a reply and turn away from her, each step taking me away from the woman I love until I round a corner and she's gone from view. I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of hearing my sorrow filled scream, but there was nothing I could do about the shaking of the ground as I fell to my knees in silent sorrow.

End Part One

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