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September 29th, 2014

"Romanoff if you don't come back right now I'm coming to get you!" Tony threatens. "You've been gone far too long and we have a mission."

I listen to Tony's message and sigh, "guess it's time to tell them," I coo to Olympia who is swinging happily in her baby swing.

For the past week I've been avoiding anything Avengers, including everyone's calls and texts. I was slightly surprised that Clint hadn't showed up to the house but he always knew when I needed space. I had spent the week bonding with Olympia and getting the house baby proofed with the help of the twins.

Actually to say that I had been helping was a stretch, all I did was hand over one of the many bank cards that Marzda had put in my name. And thanks to her and the twins the entire house was now full of baby supplies.

Packing a diaper bag, I settle Olympia into her car seat and tote her out to the car. The minivan was just one of the many upgrades that I'd gotten over the week. Once buckled in, I turn to find Wanda watching me, "want me to come?"

"Thanks kid but I think I should do this alone," I tell her. "Besides I think you two have earned some private time," I tease.

"Good luck," she tells me as her cheeks go red.

Getting in the car I head towards the compound. Normally it wouldn't take me any time at all, but this time it took almost an hour and I got honked at more times then I care to remember. Before too long though I was in the parking garage of the compound, then taking the elevator up to the main meeting room, and then I was surrounded by the team.

"What is that?" Tony asks as he stares at the baby seat in my hand.

Steve answers for me, "well Tony it looks like a baby."

"Ha ha, I can see it's a baby. Who's is it and why is it here?" He demands.

Getting her out of the car seat I say, "she's mine."

"Did you adopt?" Steve asks curiously.

"More like she stole her," Tony said sarcastically. "Look we know you've been having a hard time since your girlfriend dumped you but stealing a baby to fill that void isn't the answer."

"Stark!" Bruce scolded.

"I didn't steal her," I tell him. "I just happened to get an alien pregnant is all." They were all silent for a moment before exploding all at once, causing Olympia to start crying. "Shut up!" I hiss at them. The screaming baby seemed to emphasize my words because they did. "Now listen up, because I'm only going to say this once. Marzda was pregnant with my child when she left. She had the baby and gave her to the Maximoff twins to bring to me so that the Daxomites wouldn't find out about her. That's all you need to know."

They watched me rock Olympia for a minute until she settled down before Clint finally spoke, "well I do have one question. What's her name?"

I give him a thankful smile, "Olympia."

He comes over and looks at her, "she's cute, looks like you."

"Looks like her mom," I tell him.

He nudged me gently, "that's you kid."

The others come over and look at her, "she definitely looks like you," Tony agrees after taking a long look at her.

"She's beautiful Nat," Bruce tells me.

"She has her mothers eyes," Steve comments.

"Hopefully that's all she inherited," says Tony.

"Stark!" Steve chastises.

"It's ok," I tel them. "We'll just have to wait and see."

"So I take it that you won't be coming in our next mission," Tony says as he goes to sit back down.

"No I'm not," I confirm. "I still need to call Fury and officially retire."

"Retire?" Steve asks surprised.

I give him a look, "yes retire. I have a kid now, I'm not going to risk dying."

"Well yeah but there's lots of jobs that won't risk your life," he tries to argue.

Tony laughs, "yeah you could work with Pepper and be our secretary."

"I'm telling Pepper you called her a secretary," I tell him.

"Please don't," he squeaks out.

"Anyway, I don't need to work. I've got the money and I think I've given enough of my life to governments who don't give a damn about me," I tell them as I adjust Olympia. I look down at her, expecting her to be asleep but she's staring up at me, "besides, I'm not missing any of her life. Not for anything."

I look back up at them and wait. To nobody's surprise Tony was the first to speak, "I only have one question."

I smile slightly, "and what's that?"

He spreads his arms as he asks, "can I throw you a retirement party?"

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