chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Aaron Hotchner was one of the only people Jude would not - and could not - tell to shove it if he called her at six thirty in the morning. Even so, it was with a half-awake mind and a large cup of coffee that she dragged herself into Morgan’s car to head to work. He knew that early mornings were not her forte and offered to pick her up.

“Have you met her yet?” he asked halfway through the drive. “Elle’s replacement?”

Jude shook her head. “From what I’ve heard, she just popped up in Hotch’s office assuming she had a position. All I know is her mother’s a U.S. Ambassador.”

“I wonder if that’s how she got the job.”

“Apparently she’s done good work. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt.” Jude knew how hard it was for a woman to crack into their field, and the BAU in particular. She would not leave Emily Prentiss to fend for herself. “I think it’ll feel weird for a bit, though. Having her around instead of Elle.”

“Have you heard anything else from her?”

“Not since the day she left. She sounded like she wanted a clean break. We should let her have it.”

They arrived at the office just minutes before Hotch, sparing them from what would have probably been a severe talking-to. Or at least a stern look. Both were equally terrifying. Positioned on Gideon’s right side was Prentiss, a woman with pointed features and glossy black hair chopped neatly above her shoulders. Jude introduced herself with a smile as she sat between her and Spencer.

“We can make nice later. Right now, let’s get started,” Hotch drew their attention. He sat stiffly in his seat. His tension seeped into the rest of the room. There was a reason they had been called so early in the morning. This case was different.

“Last night, the DEA raided what they thought was a meth lab in Northern Virginia,” JJ began. “They found this instead.” The TV showed an image that, to Jude, looked like a homemade lab experiment. 

Morgan clarified. “That could be a dispersal device for a chemical weapon.”

“Homeland Security’s thinking Al Qaeda,” JJ nodded.

“They’ve developed devices that span the spectrum of sophistication, some as simple as soda bottles and paint cans,” Spencer elaborated as he swiveled in his chair.

“They’re called al ikhteraa,” Prentiss broke in. “Literally ‘the invention.’” Seven heads turned slowly to her. A dumbfounded silence settled over them until Spencer, the one who would usually make such a declaration, confirmed it.

Jude spared Prentiss a quick smile before asking, “Do we have any idea what the biological or chemical agent may be?”

“Not yet. The cell members bailed out through a tunnel. The DEA recovered a Nextel Two-Way and managed to intercept a message.” JJ passed a sheet of paper to Jude. “That’s not the transcript, it’s-”

“No, it’s in Arabic,” Prentiss leaned over Jude’s shoulder. “‘Our friends surprised us and eloped. We can no longer wait for the wedding as planned. We can deliver our gift at the next crescent.’” She seemed to realize everyone was staring and added, “I lived in several Middle-Eastern countries growing up.”

Gideon was unphased. “Next crescent?”

“Muslims sometimes use a lunar calendar. I’d have to look it up…”

A few keyboard strokes later, Penelope said, “The next crescent moon is in two days.”

“Payment for the Nextel is linked to this man,” JJ flipped to another image. “Jind Allah.”

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