Chapter 2 | The Mission at Paradis

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"Did you guys hear?" Zeke begins a conversation between the candidates, "In just a few years we'll be sent to attack Paradis Island." An apple was held in his hands as he spoke. A gasp was let out by most of the crowd. The mention of Paradis makes me worry. The day I left was now a few years ago. Any memories I had of there began to fade as the days went by. Though, I could still remember the massive walls. I don't think I'll ever forget those walls.

Zeke throws the apple towards Marcel, "It's almost time for us to inherit our Titans." I can hear Marcel take a bite out of it, "Out of us seven, six'll be made Warriors at once." It feels relieving that all of this training will finally reach its outcome.

I hear a gasp next to me, "No way! I'll finally become Marleyan!" Reiner is the most excited out of all of us to become a Titan. Good for him, "Huh. What are you excited for?" If Reiner ever mutters a word, let Porco be there to shut him down every time, "If anyone's getting left behind, it's you."


"What do you got that the rest of us don't?" His mouth was now full of the apple he chewed on, "Are you real strong? Real smart? A crack shot? Good in a fight maybe?"

It takes me everything not to roll my eyes at the spree he's about to go on. I look behind me remembering that Annie stood a few steps behind us as always. Her attention was taken by a bug on the ground. I watch with her deciding that anything is more entertaining than listening to Porco pick a fight with Reiner for what feels like the millionth time.

The bug moves mindlessly, not aware of the figure making a shadow above it.

Annie has become one of my closest friends within all of us. Maybe that's not saying much because she still holds that cold demeanor around with me, but I like to think she enjoys my company. She's also the most enjoyable person among this group of people, though she doesn't have a lot of competition.

"No. You only made it this far by constantly going on about your love for Marley," Annie had began to push the bug around lightly, "'Yes, sir, I'll slaughter those island devils just as soon as I've licked your boots clea–' Hey!" The sudden commotion makes me avert my attention. Reiner now had a hold of Porco's wrist. The apple he once had was now on the floor.

"Are you seriously insulting our mission? How dare you! You almost sound like a stray Restorationist!" I look back at Annie to see if she's reacted to the situation, but she stands still and unbothered as always. The bug below her had now been turned on its back.


"You traitor! I knew it! I'll report you to the commander for this!" Her foot now hovers over the bug, I assume she's preparing to squish it dead. She holds her foot over it, I assume waiting for it to react.

"Report this, you little shit!"

Some shuffling and a groan are heard making me turn towards the commotion. Reiner was now on the ground face down. Porco stood above him, a fist out ready to give more, "Well? Want more?"

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