'10' embarrassing 🧍‍♀️🤐😬

704 20 18

Y/n pov

All eyes were on us. I wanted to dissolve into a puddle and drift away. But I couldn't.

Tony acknowledged us first. Clearly.

"Hey!" He greeted us excitedly.
"You're my new interns right?"

I nodded and elbowed Peter to do the same. Tony could only chuckle.

"Well we're in lunch right now but you're more than welcome to join us" I exited the elevator and Peter followed.

Everyone's eyes seemed to be following me. Not Peter just me. I felt uncomfortable and I started picking at my skin.

My heart was speeding up. I could feel my breathing turn shaky. I was having a panic attack in front of the fucking Avengers.

I tried to keep it under control but I couldn't control it. I felt all the walls closing in on me. My chest was tight. I couldn't breathe right.

I wanted to cry. But I couldn't. I had to suck it up.

I noticed Black Widow, or Nat, would not stop looking at me. Bucky Barnes was next to her doing the same thing. Steve Roger's was too. And so was Wanda. I felt vulnerable, and I hated that feeling.

"Hey, y/n do you want something to eat? We have-"

"No, I'm okay. Thank you" I replied. I cut off Tony Stark. I needed to kill myself. Like being so for real.

"Mr. Stark," Friday called out warily.

Oh shit

"What's up, Friday?" Tony answered, making himself a sandwich.

"I would suggest Ms. Y/l/n eat something"

God could my life get any worse

Tony turned to look at me. Everyone did.

"What do you mean?" He asked Friday.

I'm done for.

"It appears Ms. Y/l/n hasn't eaten in days, she's severely malnourished, apart from her other injuries"

My nails dug into my skin, almost breaking it.

I couldn't take it anymore. I was having the biggest panic attack of my life in front of Tony Stark.

"What other injuries?" Tony was inspecting me.

"Right shoulder dislocated, shattered collarbone, bruised ribs, 2 broken, and currently appears to be having a panic attack,"

I wanted to die. Oh my god. I actually wanted to jump off a bridge.

I had no idea what to do.

I stayed quiet trying to calm myself down.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I flinched. I hoped it wasn't as noticeable as I thought it was. 

I looked up to see Natasha.

"Hey kid, its ok" she smiled so genuinely.

"Why don't you come with me? We'll get you fixed up" she said softly. I still felt everyone's eyes on me. And Peter was silent watching me with concern brimming his eyes.

Nat tried to lead me into a different room. But I pulled away.

"No, it's okay. I'm fine. Trust." I turned back to look at Tony.

"Kid, I really think you should go with her. We won't ask how you got hurt just let us help."

I was gonna refuse again, kindly, but I looked at Peter and he pleaded with me silently.

I hesitated but I turned back to Nat and nodded.

We took the elevator one floor up. Nat wouldn't take her eyes off me and I continued picking at my skin.

"Are you okay?" She asked as we exited the elevator.

"I'm fine," I said.

"What happened?"

"You know you said you weren't gonna ask" I replied.

"Tony did, I didn't"
"So what happened?" She asked again.

"With all due respect, it's none of your business" I tried to be as respectful as possible. 

"While you're here, you're under our supervision. Legally we're kind of required to ask you what happened." She opened the door to a lab. A hospital bed right in the middle of it. A metal table next to it and a man with a lab coat sitting on a spinny chair. 

I turned to Nat, "Since when do you guys follow the law?" I could tell that stunned her into silence. 

"Bruce, a visitor," she said, looking at me. Bruce turned around and gave me a small smile. 

"Sit," Nat ordered and gestured for me to sit on the table. I think she might've been a little butt hurt after my comment. 

I sat down, my heart hadn't slowed down. 

"Friday," Bruce called out. "Full body scan of our friend here." A holographic ray ran through my entire body. 

"Right dislocated shoulder, cracked ribs, two broken, shattered collarbone, malnourishment," Friday repeated. I'd heard him say the same thing over and over again. 

Bruce looked at me worriedly, the way everyone else had. I was beginning to hate this internship. 

He exchanged looks with Nat, and she gave him an 'I'll figure it out later' look but I knew she wouldn't because I wouldn't tell.

"Okay, we're gonna start by fixing your shoulder there." He pointed to my right shoulder and I turned to the side to give him more access to my arm. 

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded and bit the inside of my lip.

"3..2..1," Snap!

He snapped my shoulder back into place and the pain wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I had felt worse. Then he reached into a drawer and pulled out a sling, he put it over my left shoulder and stuck my right arm in it. 

"It'll help heal the shattered collarbone better" 

Bruce could only repair my shoulder and my collarbone, the rest was up to me. 

"Don't be so active, ice them, and they should heal in a couple of weeks," he explained how I should be taking care of my broken ribs and he let me go. I jumped off the bed and I was on my way out with Nat when Bruce called my name. 

"Do you want a lollipop?" He asked innocently. 

"I'm not a kid," I said, though I walked toward him and took the lollipop from his hand anyway. I smiled and unwrapped it. 

Nat and I walked back to the common room and I was ready to face the embarrassment I would face. 


oh my I made it to the double digits 

I'm proud of myself but anyways 

how yall doing??

 this chapter was somewhat inspired from another fic I read but I don't remember it so whoever that it creds to u

have a good day honey bunches n yeah

1073 words

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