'12' sobs

700 23 27

y/n pov

I finished my sandwich and looked over to Tony for confirmation.

He nodded. I stood up picking uo the plate and walking toward the sink.

"What are you doing?" Tony asked.

"Washing my plate" I said. Id been taught to always clean up after myself.

"You dont have to do that. We have people for that. Besides you shouldn't be using your bad arm at all"

He walked toward me and took the plate from my hand.

He put the plate in the sink and I sat back down on the wooden stool. He sat down in front of me.

He interlocked his fingers and opened his mouth like he was about to say something.

"Listen, kid, as much as you deserve to be here and as much as I want you to be here, you can't" he sighed.

"What?" I stammered out.

"We're going to be doing really difficult work and-"

"So you think I can't handle it?" I cut him off. Again.

"No not at all kid. I'm just saying it's pretty difficult stuff that's gonna need full movement of both your arms. I can't have you here endangering yourself. It's not right"

"But I'm fine." I tried. I wanted to stay so badly.

"See that's the thing, you're not fine, you just act like it"

There was a lump in my throat.

"Oh," I managed to croak out.

"Kid I just don't want you hurting yourself more than you have"

"But that's not your responsibility. Why do you care?"

"Because you're under my care as long as you're here"

I stayed quiet. The lump in my throat just got bigger by the second.

"You don't have to go. You can stay and observe my work and learn the basics but you're not free to work on any projects until you've healed."

"But I know the basics already. That's how I got into this program." I argued.

"I know but I really can't have you doing this to yourself"
"If you want to go home, ask happy to take you. If you don't then my lab is on floor 98"

He stood up and entered the elevator. He waved at Peter to join him.

Me and Peter made eye contact and I knew he wanted to get my permission before he joined Tony. I smiled and nodded. He ran up joyfully, hugged me, and joined Tony. I watched the doors of the elevator close and I broke down.

Everybody else had exited the room after Tony had. I was in Tony Stark's marble table, sobbing. I wanted to leave but I wasn't planning on asking Happy. I just picked up my bag and slung it over my free shoulder.

I left through the front doors and went to Central Park. I took off the sling because it was bothering me too much. I decided to text the GC. They always knew how to cheer me up.

Hey yall wsgggg

Heyyy whats going on

Nun much


Hey kid
Didn't you say ur Stark internship was td??

So basically I got kicked out but its wtv cs the ppl there bitches anyways


Bro idfk they was js weird ash
I met some of the Avengers
Bro they were hella fucking staring like they frfr have a staring problem
Like bitch tf fix ur face😒

Mama red
Well they seemed nice

They were so nice😒😒
I liked Banner though like he was so nice he was the nicest one cs like he gave me a lollipop

You liked him the most out of everyone??

Yessssss 100 percent
He wasn't staring unlike some of the other Avengers 🙄🙄

I think you're being too hard on them

Bitch no tf u weren't there you should've seen them broooo they were like a bunch of hungry lions marking their prey

It was scary asf


Mama red
Well I'm sure they didn't mean it like that

Mhh idkk they was lookin pretty thirsty im telling you

Kid you probably read the situation wrong

I turned off my phone when realization hit.

I was texting the fucking Avengers.


Alrr honey bunchesss this is 12 we getting somewhere huhhhh oo im road of myself but anyways

How's yall day been ?????

Don't b a ghost reader, comment vote n follow🤪🤪🤪

763 words

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