𝟬𝟬𝟱 just pawns in a god's game

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just pawns in a god's game

     IN SOME WAYS, a hero's quest was meant to be a great privilege — a high honour bestowed on demigod children from the gods themselves

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IN SOME WAYS, a hero's quest was meant to be a great privilege — a high honour bestowed on demigod children from the gods themselves.

They would leave camp, fight monsters and maintain their survival until they reached their location and followed through with the task given to them. Not only were demigod children sent on such dangerous quests seen as great heroes of Olympus, earning the upmost respect of their peers. But if they were able to complete their quest and come back to camp alive, they received something much better than just respect. They were given an abundance of glory too. Something that every demigod child dreamed of at least once in their lifetime — to be recognised for their bravery, strength, and even resilience.

     Feyre Blanchard used to dream about her time. The time when her father would see the potential in her, and send the girl on a quest that would earn herself the highest and upmost respect from not only her campmates, but the gods too. Most importantly, the recognition from her father. She would dream of stepping into Olympus for the first time after completing her quest and her father welcoming her, a proud smile on his lips while he embraced her. She imagined his voice, what he would sound like when he told Feyre he was proud of her and what she had accomplished.

     However, her time never came. Feyre never quite understood why. She was the best archer in camp, smart, strong and brave. She had all the best qualities to accomplish a hero's quest. Why she was never asked to leave camp and complete a task for Apollo remained a mystery to this day. And maybe she would never figure out the reason why. Overtime she accepted that about herself, realising maybe she didn't have to know.

     But it was safe to say Feyre was jealous when her best friend, Luke, was sent on his very own quest as requested by his own father when he was seventeen and she was sixteen. She watched him leave camp, setting off on what she could only guess would be the adventure of a lifetime. They communicated via the occasional iris message where Feyre would act strange. Luke always knew she was jealous of him at that time, even if she never admitted it out loud herself. But it didn't alter their friendship as Feyre would always wish for him to return safely whenever they said their goodbyes to one another.

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