Chapter -34

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Aaruhi's POV

Where is he? I thought to myself as I stood there, waiting for Aan to come. He was supposed to pick me up from college because Bhai was leaving tomorrow, so Mumma and Papa invited everyone for dinner today. Aan and I were supposed to go a little early, and later on, Mumma, Papa, and Nikhil were going to join us. But alas, here I was, waiting for him to arrive who showing no signs of his arrival. Him. My husband. As I waited, my thoughts drifted to my new life, our relationship, him, my new family, and a smile automatically appeared on my face.

Reflecting on our relationship, I never anticipated us growing this close in such a short period, especially considering the circumstances of our marriage. Our bond has evolved, and I'm genuinely content with the direction it's taking. We've become comfortable with each other, and we make it a point to discuss our respective days every day. Through these conversations, I've discovered so many things about him-like his favorite color is red, his preference for coffee over chai, revealing he's not a chai person, which is the opposite of me. He has an obsession for shoes and cars. Wherever he goes, he is definitely going to bring at least two pair of shoes, and when it comes to cars, he is not only a fan of real cars but also of toy cars. He has a collection of different toy cars along with the real ones. When I first saw his collection of cars, I was shocked, surprised, and whatnot. I mean, he has over a hundred toy cars and fifteen real cars, be it a Porsche, Ferrari, BMW-you name it, he has it.

Not only has our understanding of each other grown, but our physical intimacy has also progressed. When he touches me or comes close to me I don't feel uncomfortable rather I like it when he comes close to me , I like the warmth that I get . I like it when he teases me . I like it when , he just randomly appears from out of nowhere and sneaks a few kisses and hugs me so tightly as if his life depends on it saying that he missed me making a puppy face , I swear he looks so cute when he does that , at that moment all I want to do is to squeeze his face but When he is away , I crave to be with him , I crave his touch , his teasing , his playfulness , his hugs , his kisses .

However, what I don't like is his anger. When he is upset or scolds me, I hate it. I feel like I've disappointed him, and the thought of him being disappointed doesn't sit well with me. It's been almost two months since we got married, and these months have been nothing but opposite of my imagination-filled with love, happiness, and warmth not only from him but also from his family. Maa, dad, and even Nikhil treat me like a princess.

I remember the other day I was talking to Maa where I mentioned my love for butterscotch ice cream and chocolate truffle pudding, Since then, there's always a tub of butterscotch ice cream and chocolate truffle pudding in the refrigerator. When it comes to dad he never lets anyone scold me , he always intervenes to save me from scolding, whether it's from Maa for my unhealthy and untimely eating habits or from him for any careless mistakes. Sometimes, in the process of saving me, Dad ends up getting scolded by Maa, which is one funny sight .

As for Nikhil, we've always been close, but living in the same house has brought us even closer. We have fun, fight, tease each other, and gossip about everyone. I even got to know the secret of the girl he likes-a secret between us. These memories flooded my mind as I saw his car approaching.

I am sorry my meeting got finished later than the time and then there was traffic. He apologized as he got out of the car and came to my side .

Before I could respond, a queen bee from my class made her entrance, her cringey, fake sweetness on full display. "If you are asking for a way , I can tell you ", she said in low tone she played with the button of my husband's shirt.

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