9- just between us

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present; narrative 

Over a week since Hailey and I kissed. Afterwards the team was swept off with practices and their first three games of the season, the first one they lost and the second two they won. Now they were back and had a practice today, one I knew they would be pushed for because Coach was not happy they were ranked 7th now. Hailey and I didn't talk about what happened on my birthday, I guess me going to the practice would tell me exactly how she felt.

I walked into the gym that wasn't full yet, only a few girls starting to shoot around and stretch. Hailey was facing away from me, not seeing me walk in yet. She was practicing her left handed layups, making it look like it was easy.

"Oh thank god, I would kill them without you." Kim walked over to me, engulfing me in a hug. I always appreciated the love Kim showed me even though I wasn't on the team. She always looked out for me, she loved me like her own and I needed that here.

"Yeah I saw the ranking, figured I should stop by." It was a shock to the whole basketball community that the reigning champs fell to number seven in the rankings. I knew the girls would be hard on themselves until they got back to that number one spot they should be at. And I especially knew that this practice would be even harder for their game coming up tomorrow.

"If you're going to be here you need to promise to not rip Hailey's head off, she's been having a tough time since the loss." Kim nudged me, giving me a stern look. Loving me like her own also meant I got disciplined like it. I looked back at Hailey who had her headphones on, probably blasting music like she did at every practice. Coach walked away and I took the opportunity to walk closer to Hailey, trying to make it known I was coming closer so I wouldn't scare her and get a basketball to the face. I touched her hand softly, standing by her side. She jumped slightly until she saw that it was me, taking off her headphones with the biggest smile that made me smile in return.

"I missed you, I wish I could kiss you right now." She looked me up and down, like she usually did everytime I saw her but now I was enjoying it. Slightly ok with the fact that I missed her too, and that I spent most of that week wanting to be around her.

She started walking away, expecting me to follow which I did. She led us into the equipment room, closing the door slightly and putting her ball down. She grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to her, our chests practically touching. She was trying to tease me, I saw the stupid grin on her face but I grabbed her face and pulled her down to kiss me. Her hands flew to my waist, almost hugging me while she kissed me.

I always wanted to have one of those relationships where we did things like these. We wanted to keep in private but couldn't wait till we were alone. It was always something I selfishly wanted but right now my stomach churned a little bit. As much as I wanted to do this with Hailey I didn't want to hide it from my closest friends because they were her teammates. I knew how it could affect her relationship with the girls but at the same time you always want to go home and gossip with your friends about the kiss you just had, but I couldn't and that almost made me sick.

She pulled away, smiling at me before grabbing her ball and opening the door. When we walked back into the gym all of the girls were in there now. Most of them weren't paying any attention to Hailey and I as we walked out of the equipment room together because of the ball in her hands. I sat on the bleachers while they started practicing. If someone walked in they would assume it was track practice insead because of how much running they were being forced to do. By the time they got into drills they were all exhausted and sweaty but managed to keep up the spirit, knowing if they failed the drill they would have to restart. Kim didn't play when it came to practice but that's why they were champs.

Hailey seemed the most awake out of the girls, she was putting in way more practice outside of games and team practices so she could match the level of everyone else so this drill seemed like nothing to her. She glanced at me a lot, winking or doing something stupid with her face that I had to try not to laugh at.

"Ok water break, y'all look disgusting." Coach yelled, almost annoyed. Most girls laid down on the court, too tired to even grab water. Hailey jogged her way over to me, pointing to her water bottle so I could grab it for her. I passed it to her when she reached me, our fingers brushing. As middle school as it may sound I didn't move, liking the subtle things she was doing on purpose. It made me confident in my feelings for her, that maybe we could actually work out long term. She sat down next to me, her face bright pink from the drill and her ponytail almost completely falling out. I reached my hand out, brushing the baby hairs out of her face. It would look normal to everyone else but the small little touches were like a code for me and her, we knew exactly what they meant. It was just an excuse to touch each other in front of everyone without making it obvious.

"You look hot, you should wear orange more often." She complimented, putting her hand on my back so no one could see, she slipped her hand under my hoodie, rubbing my back because I never wore shirts under my hoodies. I made a mental note to force Quinn to go shopping with me so I could buy way more orange clothes, I fed way too much off of compliments.

The girls got called back on the court, Hailey slipping her hand out of my hoodie and running back to her team. I watched Hailey carefully, not in a weird stalker way but in a completely new light. Instead of my usual trashing Hailey for every little thing I watched appreciating almost every little thing she did, especially when she lifted up her shirt to wipe away her sweat.

Practice was a good two hours, I was used to it making the bleachers as comfy as I could and laying across them. The second it was over the girls chased each other down to the showers, desperate to take the first freezing shower. I helped Coach clean up, assuming she was exhausted from all the screaming and pulling on her hair.

The girls came out of the locker room in groups, Jae, Angel and Hailey being first. Jae ran over to me, almost toppling us both over from the impact of her hug. She hadn't been able to say hi when I got there because I was busy in an equipment room so she was making up for it now. She kept her cheek resting on the top of my head and turned to the other girls watching. Hailey's hair was down now, I always loved seeing her hair down. She noticed the way I looked at her, turning her gaze to her feet to hide that cocky smirk she had.

"So we're all going straight to bed, do you need a ride back?" Angel said, looking very ready to bolt out of this gym and go home. I didn't blame them, if I had just done that I wouldn't even have the patience to have any conversations.

"No it's ok, I just wanted to say hi and see you guys." I squeezed Jae tighter, soaking in all the time I spent staring at Hailey, very willing to drag her back into that room.

"K we'll see you around?" Hailey asked, putting on her best confused face. If she sucked at basketball she could probably take up acting, I believed it for a second.

"You definitely won't be Van Lith." I smiled at her, giving Jae a final hug before walking away and out of the gym. I tried not to laugh, still not liking the fact that I was lying to my friends but at the same time it was our secret, something special we shared. Someone came stomping down the hallway before I got to the door, turning around and being immediately met with Hailey's lips, that I melted into. She pulled away, slightly out of breath but also laughing.

"You didn't actually think I would just let you leave like that?" She asked, adjusting the beanie on my head and grabbing my hand, walking me to my car. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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