02. Will They Go Through What I Went Through?

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All these people who you thought would be yours
Aren't they the ones who made you insecure?
Gifted you with anxiety
And trust issues.
Will they ever be able to step into your shoes,
And know how it feels
To be betrayed and left alone?
Will they ever be able to feel,
How it goes
In your mind and in your heart?
Will they ever experience
The grief of being apart
From the people they love?
Will the Heavens above
Show them what they did
To someone whose only intention was to love?


P. S. 

I wrote it at a time when I was tired. Tired of myself and everyone around me. And just like any other frustrated kid, I wanted everyone in this world to go through what I was going through, to feel as frustrated, confused and agitated as me. Little did I know that I wanted to be held and understood; I lacked self-validation and I sought it externally.

At this point in my life, I no longer go through these emotions. I've learnt to express myself in a way that people around me understand me. I've learnt to understand myself. I've learnt to validate myself.

To the teens relating to this poem, I promise you life does get better again. You're loved and valued. <3

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