Chapter 2: Mine

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I wake up, a slight headache ringing as the sun shines brightly in my brown eyes. It's probably from crying all night. I yawn and move away from the stinging sunlight. Looking around me, I notice that it must still be early morning. The sky was an awakening orange. The birds are chirping away in the treetops. "The birds wish to say good morning to you," I quote one of the few things I remember Dad saying, "Say good morning back, dear Celestial." I look down, taking note that I shifted back some time in the night. I blush bright red as I take in my naked state. Wolves tend to be comfortable with nakedness as it tends to happen when shifting back and forth. I, however, have always been self conscious of my body. I was also scared. I shuddered thinking of the past.

I push myself up, taking note of the soreness in my body. Yea it's not exactly comfortable to sleep in a wolf's position in a human body. I probably couldn't stay shifted with all the energy I spent last night. Last night. . . The memories hit me suddenly and I find myself lurching back. A sob escapes my mouth as I turn around to throw up the small amount of food in my stomach. Mom. . She's gone. I wasn't strong enough to protect her. I ran like a coward. I frantically wipe the tears from my eyes and the saliva stringing from my lips. I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to go on. I wanted to lie here next to my vomit and wait for some creature to find me. But then Mom would have died for nothing. I couldn't let her death be in vain. I refused. Her and Dad both, they did nothing but protect me during my life. And they both paid the ultimate price for it.

I shift back to wolf form, not really wanting to stay naked out in the open. I have no idea where I am, not that I ever really have. I need to find clothes. As my bones snap into place, I sigh. While the first few shifts can be very painful, over time it becomes an almost relieving feeling. A comfortable feeling. I close my eyes as the shift consumes me and when I open my eyes, everything is more enhanced. I can see further than I do in my human form and everything is more enhanced, detailed. I take in the small bugs crawling under the leaves not too far from me, they almost blend in with the yellow and brown leaves. Everything sounds better as well. I can make out what sounds like a rabbit scurrying around the leaves maybe 50 or so feet away. The birds' chirps are louder than before. I shiver as a slight breeze weaves itself into my fur.

I stretch, letting out a yawn. I still feel pretty tired. Last night was draining in just about every way. My eyes begin to droop. I decide to hand control over to Ancillary. I can barely keep my eyes open but she'll be able to push us further. I accept the slight dizzy spell, it fades quick after Ancillary takes the full reigns. She shakes out our tiny form.

'Hello Celeste,' she sounds chipper. What the fuck is wrong with her?

'Ancillary,' I acknowledge her.

She takes off at a sprint. The breeze increases as it whips our fur around. Leaves crunch around our paws. I don't know where we're going but we have to keep moving, who knows where those rogues went in the night. Ancillary howls towards the sky and I find a small smile coming to mind. I don't want to be but her energy is always entwined with my own and I find her happiness spilling over. She jumps over small logs and rocks that are scattered around. Eventually I hear a small stream, Ancillary changes directions towards it. When we find it, it's small. Water running over rocks between trees and other vegetation. Ancillary runs through it, the cold water shocking me to be a bit more awake. She stops, taking a decent drink.

'Let's keep going,' I encourage. She takes off at a sprint again. I feel the energy we had gotten in the water starting to slip away but keep going. The autumn air nips at our snout and I find myself wishing I didn't have to feel everything when Ancillary is taking charge. The thought leaves though, when we jump over a few more rocks. I find myself letting out small laughs. The air now feels heavenly, as if it's helping us fly. Suddenly, Ancillary takes a jump, hitting the top of a rock and stumbling the rest of the way forward. I hear a snap as we land, pain quickly shooting up our back right paw. We skid forward and slam head first into a tree trunk, adding to the pain now coursing through our whole body. I whimper. Ancillary relinquishes control and the pain intensifies as I take it all on. With your wolf in charge, they take on maybe 20% of feelings but when you're in charge you take on just about all of it. It's quite unfair in my opinion but it's not like I get a say in the matter. 'Ancillary,' I try to reach her. No reply. 'Ancillary?' Nothing. 'What's going on? Where are you?' She remains silent, I feel worry coursing through me.

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