Chapter 8 P.1: Full Moon

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Xavier's POV

My eyes forced themself open, stinging upon the direct rays of light that hit at just the right angle. I had been aware of the sun shining for a few hours now; trying to convince myself that even though I wasn't sleeping, rest was just as good. Which it isn't. Not even close. I push myself up, shoving my blanket off of me; not bothering to pick it up as I go to grab clothes out of my closet. Not paying attention leaves me in a pair of cargo shorts and a light gray t-shirt that's been through the wash more times than I can count. I quickly leave my room, letting my body and mind answer all of its anxieties from throughout the night. I press my ear against her door, knowing that even with my very advanced hearing that these walls were built thick for privacy from and for werewolves specifically. I hear nothing, not even her steady breaths that I got up and listened to several times throughout the night. I knock still, only waiting a couple of seconds before I push the door open. Nothing. Her bed is made, although not the neatest. I look to her private bathroom and closet, noticing both doors are open and both rooms are empty. I go into the bathroom, the towel is damp on its rack. My wolf is growling as I try to make the obvious clear to him; she got up and got ready for the day already. I leave her room, taking a deep inhale. Her scent is faint up here but I catch a trail going downstairs. Did she get downstairs all on her own? Pride swells in my chest as worry tries to win, saying that she could have hurt herself.

I get a little more than halfway downstairs when I hear a glorious sound. She's laughing. I rush myself, stopping quickly outside of the dining room where I know she is. I smooth down my shirt as if that will make its obvious old age better. I push the door open, my eyes going directly to her. She's stunning, wearing a light blue skirt and an oversized shirt that she has tucked into the skirt. It takes me barely any time to see that it's my shirt that she's wearing, although when she grabbed it and put it in her room is a mystery to me.

Celeste has been sleeping in her own room for the last two nights, to give her a sense of individuality and stability. I also don't want to force her to be by my side all of the time, she seems skittish around new things and people. When she joined our pack house dinner the first time, I was genuinely worried she was gonna pass out from how overwhelmed she seemed at the people there. A few pack members had decided to join as "a way to stay in touch with their alpha" but I knew it was just to get a glance at Celeste. Word had gotten around. And they had questions for her. Too many questions, you could see it weigh on her more and more with every additional question. After a handful, I thanked them for their interest but requested they slow down for her sake. They didn't ask another question after that not related to conversations already on hand.

I was particularly happy with how she bonded with Zay that night. Zay sat beside Celeste and approached all conversations privately, in a time not inviting others into their talk. I listened best I could while maintaining conversations with the rest of the table; their chatter was idle. They spoke of the food, the dishes we ate from, the pack house, and Zay revealed a few details of herself. Celeste offered up being an only child when Zay spoke of growing up with Jared and I. Other than that, she kept her replies complementary and in the interest of Zay. Nonetheless, Celeste seemed relieved to have made a fond acquaintance in the pack house.

Which made it no surprise when I opened the door to see her giggling to something Zay had said. Zay laughed along with her but I couldn't hear her. All I could hear was my beautiful mate laughing. Celeste's hair fell down her back, a slight bounce to it today that had graced my presence for the second day in a row. Her appetite was slowly increasing and I made sure to make her nutrient packed food for breakfasts and lunches. I never made dinner as I ate with the rest of the pack house and would usually be working while I had people hired for that.

Celestial and the Alpha Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora