Four- Field Trips

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Bella and I stood next to each other, we had just gotten to our science field trip. observed Bella's eyes that went to the Cullens as usual. I then hear foot steps behind and before I can warn Bella, Mike pretends to be Dr. Frankenstein.

"Look! You're moving. You're alive!" He shouts, both Bella and I cringe. "Yeah false alarm.
"Actually, l'm glad you're not dead cause- well, that would suck, plus I wanted to ask you even though it's like a month away... He continued to talk, not even paying attention to the fact that she wasn't facing his direction.

I watch Edward look up and over at our direction. Bella finally snaps out of it and looks over at Mike. It was a little late.

"So, what do you think?" He notices her blank expression. "You want to go? To prom. With me."

I cover my mouth, looking away after seeing her horrified look. I try my best to refrain from laughing.

"Prom, as in dance. I uh- have to go somewhere. Yo Jacksonville. Yeah." She sprouts out her lie.

"You can't go another weekend?"

"Non-refundable ticket. Maybe you should ask Jessica." We all glance over to across the lawn where Jessica stood. Mike then looks at me and my eyes widen.

"Don't think about it. You're not my type." I sternly tell him.

He presses his lips together, sighing then going over to Jessica.

Both Bella and I make eye contact, laughing from that horrible ordeal.

Throughout the day I kept seeing two specific Cullens looking my way. And as that happened, each time I would look behind me as if there was something more interesting there.
Of course I would sneak some looks at them too but l'm hoping they didn't notice or I wasn't as obvious as they were.

We were now walking through the greenhouse and I saw Bella try to go up to Edward so instead of staying in between that I decide to walk ahead. Moving passed Edward and accidentally bumping into non other than Alice who seemed to have gripped tighter to Jasper.

Her grip loosened after seeing me. "I'm so sorry." I bowed my head down a tiny bit to not look them in the eyes. She smiled motioning with her hand. "It's quite alright." Her voice was angelic, my face warmed up a bit and I start to feel embarrassed at how I was acting.

"I won't be a bother, sorry again." I stammered, going to walk away but she gently takes my hand for a second. I gasp at how cold she was.

"You can hang with us if you'd like." My eyes wander over to Jasper who does a small nod, agreeing with his partner.

I shrug as a why not, finally straightening my posture and looking them in the eyes for only seconds at a time before looking somewhere else.

"Did those hurt?" She points to my piercings, since I flinch for a moment she instantly takes her hand back. "Oh, not really. I guess my tongue did but only the healing part." I stick my tongue out, showing her. She stares at it.

I smile, closing my mouth, her nose scrunches in response. "I couldn't imagine the feeling of metal in my mouth all the time." She mumbles, almost inaudible.

"It doesn't bother you after awhile. It kinda becomes you." I say, purposefully adding a little dramatics at the end. I notice Jasper watching me intently. I smile and him and I didn't even know his eyes could get wider but they did.

"Here, walk in between us." Alice takes my sleeved arm, nod even between the fabric it still feels cold. I wonder if it bothers her.

I do as suggested, Jasper doesn't seem so tense anymore either.

Youngest Shadow- Alice x Reader x JasperWhere stories live. Discover now