Nine- Memories

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"He'll forgive you two." Edward was at Bella's side of the window, startling both of us. "Scoot over." She listens, sliding over and I try to make as much room as possible. He takes over the wheel. "His face... I said the same words my mother used when she left him." She slumped and slowly took my hand in hers. I stared out the window but still listened to them talk. *It was the only way he'd let you guys go." Edward then floors it and it makes me wonder if this truck can even handle that. "Your father's safe now Bella. The tracker is following us."

It feels as if I can breathe lighter but at the same time, l'm scared of what's going to happen. Then a dark figure jumps onto the bed of Bella's truck. Bella screams as I let out a tiny noise, gripping her. I think her scream scared me more than what jumped onto the truck. "It's alright, it's just Emmett. Alice is in the car behind us." He informs us, I look back to see Emmett standing there, he gives me a smile, waving and I do the same. Well, I tried to.
Arriving at their house Edward, Emmett, and Alice rush us to get inside but we all came to a harsh stop when the door opened and it is revealed to be Laurent.

"He came to warn us. About James," Carlisle announces and they back down from their attacking posture. "I've grown tired of his games. But he's got unparalleled senses. Absolutely lethal. I've never seen anything like him in three hundred years. And the woman, Victoria will back him. Don't underestimate her." Laurent is warning them, trying to tell them this won't be a normal fight even if he's cornered or one against all of them.

He then turns to Edward. "I'm truly sorry for what's been unleashed here."

He walks off disappearing into the woods. We're now in a garage with the Volvo, a red BMW, a black Mercedes Sedan, and an SUV. Rosalie was grabbing everything, cell phones, extra batteries, maps, portable GPS units, change of clothes, cans of gasoline and so many other things.

"I've had to fight our kind before. We're hard to kill." Jasper says while standing beside me. "But not impossible, We'll tear him up," Edward says as if to reassure us. "We'll rip him apart with our hands then burn the pieces." Emmett joins in with blood lust and it almost made me want to laugh but of course, under the circumstance, l'II look psychotic. "I don't relish killing another creature. Even a sadistic one like James." Carlisle deadpans.

"If he doesn't get to one of us first," Rosalie says and I glance over to Bella who had a horrified expression. "This is insane. You can't put yourselves in danger like this for me." She tells all of them and I sort of sit there for a moment not understanding why she only said it for her like l'm not a part of it as well. "Too late." Rosalie rolls her eyes. "And it's not just for you. [Name's in this too." She sticks up for me but I notice Edward shoot her a look. He grabs two sets of keys, throwing one at Carlisle.

"TIl run Bella and [Name] south, while you lead the tracker away." He says but his foster dad disagrees. "No, Edward. The tracker thinks you won't leave Bella.

He'll follow you. His main focus was how you reacted to him sniffing out Bella." Again this feels off, it really feels like they're only worry is Bella and if that's the case why am I a part of this. Then Alice steps up.

*I'll go with them. Jasper and I will drive them south. I'II keep her safe Edward."
Edward looks frustrated, Alice steps one closer. "Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?" Edward studies her, obviously torn. She nods and the two have an unspoken agreement. He surrenders the keys to her and then goes to Bella and Mine's suitcase.

Esme, Rosalie put these on so the tracker will pick up their scent, mainly Bella's." I was slumped once again, I felt Jasper tense but not saying anything.

"Why should I? What is Bella to me? [Name] I understand she's been in the family for years but Bella's just a danger you've inflicted on us." Rosalie was man, not understanding this at all if that wasn't obvious. "Rosalie, Bella is with Edward she's a part of this family now. And we protect the family. Carlisle was strong with his words and the blonde listens, resistently picking up the clothes.

Youngest Shadow- Alice x Reader x JasperWhere stories live. Discover now