Chapter 10: The search for the Master Kingdom Stone

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In a deserted area within a forest there is a temple and inside it lay a powerful artifact. The Master Kingdom Stone.


Kai is sparring with Kelvin and Seether while Silvia, Bella, CC are also sparring with each other as well.

Silvia used Moonblast as both Glaceons dodged the attack. Then Speed and the others came up to them.

Kai: Hey Speed what's up?

Speed: Trace detected a strong energy signature and Alfred wants to see you guys.

Kai, Kelvin, and Seether quickly went to HQ to see what's happening.


Drazeros and the others also detected a strong energy signature as well.

Drazeros:(evil smile) So it's actually here on this world.

Drusilla: What's here?

Sabrus: A certain powerful relic that we know.

Madison: Wait do you mean the Master Kingdom Stone is here on Gaia but how?

Seth: Like Kai, Kelvin, and my pathetic little brother Seether we can also access its powers as well.

Amelia: With the stone's power we will conquer the universe and no one will stand in our way!

Drazeros: And we will be unstoppable that not even Kai and the Eeveelution Squad will defeat us.

They all laughed evilly as they will retrieve the stone.

Back with Kai and the others...

Kai: Alfred what's going on?

Alfred: One of the rescuers have found a temple that contains a stone that I think you three are familiar with.

Trace activates the computer as it reveals an image of the Master Kingdom Stone which shocked the three former dragons.

Kai:(shocked) It can't be.

Kelvin: I'm afraid it is.

Silvia: Is that the Master Kingdom Stone?

Pearl: But how did it get here?

Black: I don't think that matters right now we need to find the Stone before Drazeros and his team get it first.

Seether: He's right we gotta get to the Master Kingdom Stone first before they do.

Alfred nodded agreeing with them.

Kai: Then we better get going.

They get ready to retrieve the Master Kingdom Stone as they begin their journey. Will Kai and the others stop Drazeros and his team before they retrieve the stone? Find out next Eeveelution Squad A firedragon's new home!

To be continued...

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