Why i started writing and art

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Vent??! Skip if needed

Art is something I love to do today of course I
have a lot of improving to do but I'm glad I came this far into it, it's my way of escaping from my problems. Escaping from the real world the same goes for writing.

I've always been passionate about writing it was my way of expressing myself in a way that others wouldn't care to listen. I had so many ideas when it came to writing and finally my mom got me my first note book. I wrote everything down in that note book my imaginations and ideas for stories

Something I loved to do.

But the reason why I started is because. As a young child I was always out going until one day I just crashed. I distanced myself from people which developed into huge social anxiety.
It got so bad I had to be home schooled for two years.

But my mom sent me back in school. All I ever cared about was my grades and school work I never had time for friends. By this time I was going through one of the worst periods of my life and my mom was very aggressive towards me and my dad so I felt if I wasn't perfect, enough I would be a disappointment in her eyes so I never made any friends during those years.

One day I just started writing it was like I was in a mindless trance I wrote my heart out I wrote all my feelings and thoughts and everything It made me feel so good to get everything out of my chest. I soon started writing stories my imagination and everything.

I felt so good about it and then I asked my mom to buy me another notebook and whenever I got the chance I wrote down my thoughts feelings, and stories.

My teachers were very supportive about it and even told my mom about how much I loved to write some stories I shared with my teachers especially my language arts teacher she loved them so much and always supported me to keep going and I did.

And at one of the school awards ceremony things I was presented the writing's award which made me so happy.

And after all I still write about my feelings and imaginations.

Why did I start art:

Like writing I found it a way to make me feel calm and escape from reality

Art was something I hated at first because I was so mad I wasn't good at it but I still drew and my art teacher even gave some tips to improve and after a few years I saw very big improvements I was able to draw better than ever before

And I even started Gacha Life/ club and Gacha was something that brought me into art and editing. The stories I wrote in my notebooks I used Gacha to make it seem more interesting and fun to me.

And that's when I started digital art and I loved it. Of course at first I didn't get it I was always like "what's this do" or "how do I do this" but pretty soon I got the hang of it.

Art was something I loved and I'm so happy my mom got me the graphic tablet on Christmas as she never really supported my artistic desire. I'm also happy I didn't give up when I wasn't good at something yet.

A little mental health note🍃⬇️

(Authors notes: this was just like a little vent I guess. But I just wanna say that people who suffer with anxiety, PTSD, depression, anger issues, social issues etc and are screaming to be heard and loved. Don't worry you are heard by me and others who understand how you feel, others who understand the struggles of life. But remember not all your problems will last forever because just before you know it you will be better, feel better trust me it can take months or years but the day will come when you are happy because sadness is not permanent but suicide is. And even with these desires to harm yourself or even kill your self I know you can make it in life. You are heard. You are loved. You are beautiful blessed and amazing. You're enough. Please remember that because suicide is not the answer and if people don't see you're enough doesn't mean you have to see that too. I love you all. 🍃)

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓭𝓻𝓸𝓹 𝓸𝓯 𝓰𝓸𝓵𝓭Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang