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As the new day awakened the nature of Tuscany, the sun rose in the sky, its rays shining through the large balcony door of the bedroom. It was our last day in this place, followed by going to Monaco the next morning.

Gaining more consciousness of my surroundings, the drowsiness of sleep still holding me in its embrace, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, turning to my other side, shielding away from the already strong sunlight.

In that quiet moment, I felt a gentle touch on my hair, a soft caress that stirred me from my half-asleep state.

Peeking through one of my eyes, I discovered Lando right next to me, his fingers entwined in my hair with a tender feeling. The subtle unexpected gesture brought a faint smile to my face.

As his fingers played with the single strand of my hair, providing comfort, his reasoning of this action unknown to me, I slowly drifted back to sleep. He twirled the hair around his pointer finger and slowly traced his way to my cheek.

While his fingers feathered across my cheekbone, another smile tugged on my lips. "What's the time?"

"About nine," he whispered, brushing a stray strand of my hair away from my face and tucked it behind my ear. "You're stealing my title of sleeping beauty here and I don't think I like that."

"Shut up," I mumbled and buried my face into the pillow, turning away from him. "It's too comfy in here."

Ironically enough, Lando being the usual sleepyhead between the two of us, he was now wide awake and refused to let me sleep in.

I felt his fingers on my shoulders, tracing down to my sides, leaving shivers go down my spine, successfully waking me up. He stopped when he reached my waist where he attacked me by tickling me. 

Burying my face into the pillow, holding back a screech so I wouldn't cause any concerns for the couple in the next bedroom, I tried to get away from Lando by shifting to the edge of the bed.

But he wouldn't budge, sitting up to his knees,  leaning close to me and tickling both of my sides as I rolled to my stomach, tears forming in my eyes from laughter. "Please, Lando—"

"Please Lando what?" he laughed with a mocking tone, not leaving his attack.

"Stop—tickling," I managed to say in between my uncontrollable laughs as I turned to my back, my legs coming to my chest to defend myself better. "That's enough—"

Managing to grasp both of his hands, I pulled them away but the only outcome was that he fell forward, leaning over me. My arms were pinned above my head by his hands, his face hovering above mine, only millimetres away.

My eyes widened as he stared at me with the same momentary expression, the ocean of his blue and green eyes captivating as ever, even more up close and reflecting the light of the morning sunlight.

Lando's body was hovering over mine, keeping me locked under him both from shock and also because of his hands holding me.

Then there was the imaginary magnet pulling me toward him. And maybe it was on both of our sides, as he inched closer and closer to a point where our noses were touching.

I was completely bewitched and rid of every single sane thought, only focused on him again. My eyes were half closed, focused on his parted lips that were so, so close to mine.

And just as his lips were about to brush against mine, there was a loud bang downstairs.

We both stilled in our position, as I turned my head toward the door. Realising what we were about to do again, I shook my head out of the trance and pushed him in his chest, "Okay, get off, Norris. Funsies over."

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