2 | whispers in the shadows

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The Metropolis Express continued its journey toward Chicago, the crackling voice of the train's intercom announcing, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are now approaching Chicago Union Station. We hope you had a pleasant journey, and we thank you for choosing Metropolis Express."

The announcement seemed surreal against the backdrop of early morning, the dim light filtering through the windows casting a subdued glow on the passengers who appeared to have swiftly distanced themselves from the tragedy in Cabin 7. Eager to disembark, they gathered their belongings, the atmosphere humming with the anticipation of reaching their destination.

Molly's phone buzzed. A message from an unknown number illuminated the screen.

Unknown: "You don't know what you're getting into, are you?"

Molly's eyes narrowed, her gaze instinctively scanning the surroundings for any signs of the mysterious messenger. She replied, "What do you mean?"

Unknown: "Nothing. If I were you, I would shake my head and pretend this never happened."

She rolled her eyes, irritation creeping into her voice. "Who even are you?"

Unknown: "Just a well-wisher."

"If you really were my well-wisher, you'd help me, dumb head."

Unknown: "Hey, hey, easy there, chipmunk." Molly's annoyance deepened at the nickname. "No need to get mad at me. I am just warning you. Stay out of this."

"First, don't ever call me chipmunk. And second of all, what if I don't stay out of this?"

Unknown: "Unless you want to be that old man in Cabin 7, you might want to consider your stakes, lady."

Her eyes darted across the cabin, her mind racing. "Wait, how do you... Hmm, you're on the same train as me. Why don't you show yourself?"

Unknown: "Bingo." Molly sighed in frustration. "And no, I cannot reveal myself, got too many secrets to keep. But if you do insist on going ahead with this investigation, maybe I could provide some help."

She skeptically raised an eyebrow, "Okay, mister bingo, what do you know?"

Unknown: "The victim is Dane Wade, age 37. He has two kids - Paige and Nicole. His wife divorced him three years ago, so he got custody of the kids. He works as a drug dealer to make ends meet. The rest of his family is in Houston, Texas."

"How do you know so much about him?"

Unknown: "Time is running out, detective. If you're determined to get into this, it's up to you. But once you get in, there's no turning back."

Molly smirked with a hint of defiance, "Bold of you to assume I would quit."

Unknown: "That's what I thought. Good day, detective. See you soon."

As the conversation ended, Molly scanned the train compartment once more, a paranoid suspicion lingering in her eyes. It was as if she could feel unseen eyes watching her every move, the weight of an invisible presence pressing on her.

Deciding to delve into the mysterious messages later, Molly needed a moment to collect her thoughts. The train eventually came to its destination, Chicago Union. The passengers disembarked, leaving behind the haunting memories of the night.

Feeling agitated but tired, Molly opted for breakfast at a nearby café, craving the solace of caffeine to ground her. She ordered a strong shot of espresso, the bitter taste providing a sharp contrast to the enigma that surrounded her.

While sipping her coffee, she pondered her next move. The conference host called to confirm her arrival at the event. She affirmed her attendance, realizing this might be the perfect opportunity to observe the proceedings more closely while maintaining her undercover status.

Molly couldn't shake off the eerie feeling that a shadowy presence lingered in the periphery of her investigation. The mysterious warnings, the unsolicited information about the victim, and the enigmatic figure behind the messages all merged into a puzzle that demanded her full attention.

Little did she know that the journey she had embarked upon was more than just an unusual train ride. It was a descent into a web of secrets, danger, and a darkness that threatened to envelop her every move. The cityscape outside the café window transformed into a maze of possibilities and challenges, and Molly Rayne was determined to navigate through the shadows and uncover the truth that lay beneath.

Word Count: 678

the second part is finally up, whom do you think this unknown is?

post your theories here!

its two days since ONC started, how's it going folks?

again, i am very caught up with things, so, it might take me some time to catch up with your stories, hope things are good on your end! ^^

Bullet Train to Murder | ONC novella ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora