12 | the trails of past

40 8 29

Timeline: March 2022

"How can you be so smart but also so very stupid?"

The air crackled with unspoken tension as Aron confronted Gary, disbelief and frustration etched on his face like a sculptor's chisel. The dimly lit room, thick with the scent of stale beer and regret, seemed to shrink around them.

Gary met Aron's gaze with a raised eyebrow who was seated across the table. He'd anticipated Aron's understanding, a grasp of the grand scheme. Instead, this unexpected resistance hung heavy in the air.

"What do you mean?" Gary replied, his tone carefully neutral.

Aron paced back and forth, the weight of his realization bearing down on him. "Do you have any idea who you've kidnapped? Do you even realize the implications of what you've done?"

Gary leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips. "Of course, I know who he is. That's precisely why I did it."

Aron stopped in his tracks, his eyes narrowing in confusion. "You knew? But... why? This changes everything."

Gary's smirk widened, a predator savoring its prey's confusion. "He's the linchpin, Aron. Leverage against his entire network. We hold him, we hold them."

Aron shook his head in disbelief. "You're playing a dangerous game Gary. They'll surely come after us and if they discover what we're behind, it won't end well."

Gary scoffed dismissively. "Let them come. We'll be ready. Besides," he added, a glint in his eye, "I have a few surprises up my sleeve."

Aron hesitated, torn between loyalty to Gary and concern for the potential consequences of their actions. But ultimately, he knew there was no turning back now. They were in too deep, and they would have to see this through to the end.

"Alright," Aron conceded reluctantly. "But just remember, Gary, this could all blow up in our faces. And when it does, I hope you're prepared to deal with the fallout."

Gary merely chuckled in response, his confidence unwavering. "Don't worry about me. I have a plan. I always do."

A steely resolve settled in their eyes. Together, they embarked on a treacherous path, oblivious to the chaos they'd unleashed. For in the world of shadows and secrets, where alliances were forged and broken in the blink of an eye, only the cunning and the ruthless would emerge victorious.


The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the quiet suburban street, the air was filled with the distant sounds of children playing and birds chirping. Inside the modest two-story house, a sense of tranquility permeated the air, seemingly untouched by the events about to unfold.

Paige Wade was lounged on the worn-out sofa in the living room, completely immersed in his Xbox console. His father had left for work earlier that morning, leaving him in the care of their trusted caretaker, Mr. Thompson.

But beneath the friendly facade lurked a predator in disguise. As Paige battled digital foes on the screen, a stranger approached the front door, his features hidden behind a mask of manufactured cheer.

His knock mimicked Mr. Thompson's usual three taps, a practiced deception designed to lure Paige into a false sense of security.

"Paige?" he called out with false cheerfulness. "It's me, Mr. Thompson. Your dad asked me to take you out for a ride around the city. You up for it?"

Lost in the world of Legend of Legacy, Paige barely registered the voice. He mumbled a distracted response, set down the controller, and ambled towards the door, his mind still clinging to the virtual battlefield.

"Sure, sounds cool," he replied absentmindedly.

The stranger flashed a reassuring smile, masking the turmoil rising within him. With practiced ease, he guided Paige out of the house and towards his waiting car, all the while maintaining the facade of Mr. Thompson.

The city streets blurred past them as Paige's attention flitted between the passing scenery and the allure of his game. It wasn't until they reached a deserted alleyway on the outskirts of town that a flicker of unease sparked in his eyes.

"Hey, where are we going?" he asked, a note of uncertainty creeping into his voice.

Before he could get a response, a sharp blow to the back of his head sent him reeling, his vision swimming as darkness closed in around him. With a muffled cry of alarm, he slumped forward as consciousness slipped away into blackness.

The world lurched violently. A searing pain erupted in the back of his head, radiating outwards in a wave of nausea. Darkness rushed in at the edges of his vision, threatening to consume him whole. With a strangled cry that died in his throat, Paige crumpled to the ground, his consciousness slipping away like sand through his fingers.

The terrifying reality of his situation dawned on him - he was trapped, alone and vulnerable in a dark and unforgiving world. He could only hope that someone, anyone, would find him before it was too late.

The minutes stretched into agonizing hours, punctuated only by the echo of his own ragged breaths and the gnawing fear that clawed at his insides. Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision, but he refused to give in to despair. He had to find a way out, a way to signal for help, a way to survive this nightmare.

Dane returned home from work earlier than usual and found the house eerily silent. A gnawing sense of unease settled in his stomach as he called out for Paige, his voice echoing unanswered through the empty rooms. A frantic search revealed no sign of his son, only the abandoned Xbox controller on the sofa, a silent testament to a life interrupted.

With a racing heart, Dane dialed Mr. Thompson's number, his calls met only by the impersonal buzz of a disconnected line. Panic twisting into a cold knot of dread as he rushed to the police station, a desperate plea for help forming on his lips.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, two separate searches began. One, fueled by fear and desperation, the other by cunning and a carefully crafted plan. In the heart of the city, a game of shadows had begun, and the fate of a young boy hung precariously in the balance.

Word Count: 1018

i finally managed to write a chapter, woo hoo! and its the first that goes beyond the usual 500-800 word count of a chapter.

also, some people had trouble accessing the previous chapter, idk why wattpad is acting up, but do check it out now. hopefully the full version shows up instead of a broken one :/

do the names Dane and Paige ring a bell? No? okay.. i will just leave it to you 👀 

this chapter was a thrill to write, although it took me quite the bit to get around my writer's block and motivate myself. anywho- i know i got books to catch up, god, things are just a bit messy for me, hopefully soon enough 😁 

how's your onc going? found any interesting reads/books so far? share them!

hope you're doing well, keep taking care of yourself and stay awesome! 💃

sara <3

Bullet Train to Murder | ONC novella ✓Where stories live. Discover now