Chapter 11

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For the first time in so long, I woke up to an empty bed. The covers were pulled up to my chin and the curtains were draped, casting the room in darkness. It took me second to figure out where I was, and memories came crashing back.

My family.

I still couldn't believe it. I sat up, feeling jet lagged.

"Orla? You're up?"

I blinked, running a hand through my hair. It was all over the place. "Yeah. Where are you?"

"Out for a run. My wolf was dying to get some fresh mountain air."

"Take your time."

I felt guilty for keeping him from going on a run all these days. Though he wouldn't have left me no matter how much I pressured him anyway.

I got out of bed and opened the curtains, peeking at the twilit world outside. The darkening sky made me confused for a second. It would take some time getting used to the time difference.

I looked down at myself. I was dressed in leggings and a big t-shirt. I guess this would do. I made a quick stop to the bathroom then ventured out to the living room.

"Orla, you're up!" Vanessa called from the kitchen. She and Orton were by the counter while Vlad and Olin sat around the table.

"Good morning," I said. "Or good evening."

"It'll take a while to get used to," Vanessa said, her eyes following me as I took a seat next to Vlad across from Olin.

"Ezra is out on a run," Vlad said. "Since his wolf was on edge, I figured a run would do him some good."

I smiled. "How did you get him to agree?"

"He's stubborn, but I managed to convince him. You're safe here. Olin has the place spelled so no one can get in without his permission."

My brows creased. "If you can do that, then how come you keep moving around? How can anyone find you?"

"Even if the place we live in is always spelled, we need to get out to get food and and to work. Teleporting makes it easy, and these past few years Vanessa and I have been working from home, so that helps."

I didn't know why, but for some reason, I never expected they would be working. How silly of me. I guess even supernaturals had to work.

"Besides," Olin continued, "no magic is perfect. Our magic is very strong, but there are always loop holes."

I glanced at Vlad. "Good thing you didn't tell Ezra that."

Vanessa set a pot of stew on the table and sat next to Olin. The smell of beef and vegetables tickled my senses. It looked as good as it smelled.

"He doesn't like leaving you alone, does he?" she asked.

"Yeah, especially after-" I cut myself short before I could say something that would ruin the mood. "He's just a little over protective."

The front door opened then, and Ezra walked in, his hair disheveled, his skin shimmering under a sheen of sweat. His eyes looked bright and wide, and I could feel his tranquility through the bond. He was less tense. I made a note to get him to run more often.

"Good evening," he said and took a seat next to me.

"How's your run? Did your wolf catch anything?" Vlad asked while Orton was setting the table.

"Uneventful, and just a couple of rabbits."

Ezra's stomach growled. I stifled a smile. "I take it those rabbits weren't very meaty," I linked him.

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