Chapter 19

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"The heads of covens?" I asked Sam, trying to keep up as his long legs ate the stairs up to Zyron's office.

"Yes. They want to meet you all," Sam replied. He'd extracted me from the crowd of excited werewolves and told me about the sudden arrival of the coven heads.

Zyron, Vlad, Dad and Ezra were already in Zyron's office. I left Orton in Haley's safe hands. He seemed to be very popular among the she-wolves, his ears almost as red as his hair from all the attention.

"What do you think they want?" I asked Sam.

He made a face. "The fact that they bothered to come all the way to the border doesn't bode very well."

My magic swirled in reaction to my unease. The pack's positive reaction had made me lower my guards. Obviously, there would be people who would feel wary about our sudden appearance, and the heads of the vampire covens were simply the first to make themselves known.

Sam squeezed my shoulder as we stopped in front of Zyron's office door. "Don't worry. I doubt they want to raise any trouble. They probably just want to make their displeasure known."


Sam knocked and walked in without waiting for an invite. Zyron sat behind his desk, his expression grim. Dad, Vlad and Hale sat on the couch, the bookshelves at their back brimming with volumes, thick and thin.

Ezra leaned against the open window, silhouetted by the darkening sky. Voices and laughter drifted in. His end of the bond settled down when he saw me. I walked over and leaned against his side, feeling my magic reach out to him in reassurance.

"You're here. Good," Zyron said, standing up. He leaned with his palms on the desk. "Patrols tell me seven cars are gathered in a clearing not far from the northern border. Right now, there are ten vampires."

Vlad nodded. "That matches the mind-links I received. All seven heads of covens, three of them are mated."

"I sent Hayden over to the border," Hale said. "He'll check for any magic shenanigans. The pack is protected from blood magic, so I would recommend any meeting to be within the borders to guarantee safety."

"I doubt they'd want to get inside the borders," Sam said, plopping down on the armchair.

"Whether they're inside or outside doesn't matter. I have my warriors eying them as we speak, any wrong move and they'll be wolf food," Zyron said. He looked at Dad, who had a thoughtful frown on his face. "What do you want to do Olin? It's up to you whether you want to meet them or not."

"I should. I'm not going to hide anymore," Dad said, leaning his elbows on his knees and fisting his hands. "I'm going to meet them anyway. Better to get it over with now."

"Your call. Ezra, you're coming as well. You're the future king. Seeing you as you are now will make them think twice about the future of the vampires' alliance with us."

Ezra nodded. He looked down at me. "You should stay here, it's safer."

I pursed my lips. "It's as safe as where you're going. I'm no longer vulnerable, you know."

"I know, sweetheart, but-"

"Orla is coming as well."

We both looked at Zyron. Did he look amused, or was I imagining it?

"Orla is the future queen," he said. "Seeing her will drive home the point that moon children and werewolves are allies. Any attack on the moon children will be considered an attack on the future queen of the wolves."

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