Day one (the interview )

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My alarm rang by 5:10...
    I was still feeling so sleepy but I had to pray, something told me to go back to sleep, but I didn't give in to the devil's deception, I had to break his three knots...
      I tried and forcefully got up, once I was up all the sleep was gone, I went straight to the bathroom to perform my ablution and back to my room, to pray...
      After my prayer I sat back on my prayer mat and recited the holy Qur'an, it was a family tradition to recite suratul Yasin every morning and suratul Mulk before going to bed.
     Mum always told us to do it untill it became a habit, now we were all used to it.
      After I had finished, I went straight to the kitchen, where Ruqayyah already was.
       "Asallamu alaiki ya ukhti" I said (peace be upon you o! Sister),
     "wa'alaiki sallam, good morning, did you sleep well" she replied,  While  breaking an egg  into a bowl,
      "alhamdulilah, I did indeed" I said, picking up the bowl and whisking the egg.
      "o! No you don't have to do that, don't forget you are going to be the daughter inlaw of a rich family, there you would have maids to make you breakfast" she teased, I looked at her with an angry face....
      'how I wished, It was a dream, I woke up this morning thinking it was  a dream but It clearly wasn't, my marriage in ten days!!, am I ready" I asked myself
     "hey what are you thinking" Ruqayyah asked  snapping her fingers to make me come back,
I smiled then replied "nothing", lowering my gaze, as we continued cooking.

Breakfast was now ready....       
       "habiby(my love), breakfast is ready, come down before it gets cold" Ruqayyah shouted, calling her husband,
     Faisal quickly came to the dining, "Good morning my love" he said, holding my sister and kissing her on the cheek, she smiled, pushing him away
   "eat your breakfast" she said with a blush...
     I admired their relationship, it was full of love and joy, all this because it was halal, a halal relationship...
     "what am I eating alone??" Faisal asked,
  and we all sat on the table, "hmm, this looks delish!! I am sure Fatima made it" faisal said, looking at Ruqayyah,
    "what do you mean by that?" Ruqayyah asked jealously
    "I made it" she said,
   "ahh no wonder, it doesn't look nice anymore" faisal teased,
    "what" Ruqayyah shouted,
  "aww am just kidding love, I love it when you are mad, it makes you look more beautiful" he said, now her frown turned into a blush, I watched as they teased each other,
     "this is my family, aww so sweet, Ya Allah please give love like this" I though...
     Faisal and Ruqayyah are the only ones i have, after our parents died, 2 months after Ruqayyah's wedding, we were left with each other, they have both been there for me always, they were like my second parents.....
        "That reminds me, we are having dinner to night, with your inlaw and of cause Ibrahim" Ruqayyah said,   
             "who is Ibrahim? " I asked myself 
Before finally say it out loud "Okey, who is Ibrahim" I asked.
     "o.m.g, Ruky love, you didn't tell her husband's name" faisal said,
    "o!! So his name is Ibrahim" I thought to myself
"Aww my bad I forgot" Ruqayyah I sat quietly
      "and that also reminds me, I got you an interview for this morning, you should be there by 10:00, would have taken you but have to go to work early today, would write the adress down for you though" faisal said...
    Standing up and writing on a piece of paper on the table,
   "let me go get ready for work" faisal excused him, looking at Ruqayyah, she looked at him puzzled at why he was still looking at her...
    "What??" She asked
   "let's go, aren't you going to pick out cloths for me to wear" he said, giving her a very funny look
     "ahh can't you do anything without me" Ruqayyah said, standing up and now following him, I heard him whisper "no I can't" to her and I laughed.
     I washed all the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen before going upstairs to my room...
   "Faisal had told me about the interview weeks before, but I wasn't still ready, I had all my certificates in a briefcase, and I memorised all the things to say but, I had no idea what to wear, o!! Fatima" I thought,
    I opened my wardrobe, and searched through my cloth for the right cloth to where, but I had no idea, now all my cloths were scattered on the bed and I laid close to them looking at the time, it was already past 8, how fast time moves,
      "Asalamu alaikum" Jiddda said, as she entered my room, "ahh alhamdulilah someone to help" ...."wa'alaiki sallam, please come in" I said, and she entered,        
    "subhanallah, fatima maza?? " Jidda said (fatima what is this), jidda and I are definitely not Arabians but we loved speaking the little Arabic we knew, it is an interesting language and most especially the language in which the Qur'an is written...
     I chuckled mischievously "I know right, I am a mess, I have a job interview in less than an hour, and I don't know what to wear" I expalined,      
        "hm let me see" jidda said, checking through my cloths and bringing out a maroon skirt and a pink top,
    "this would do" she said, "almost all your cloths are traditional and it is either that or an abaya, and you might not know how the environment is for an Abaya" she explained..
    "exactly, thank sis" I said as picked up the cloths and started ironing, "don't forget to add this" she said throwing a maroon viel to me...
     In no time I was done, I quickly entered the bathroom to take my bath.
     After i was done, I was sure I was late, I looked at the time and luckily it just to 9, I stilled dressed up this time taking my time as I did it, Jidda looked as I dressed the said  said.
     "in a few days, you won't be here, but in your husband's house",
    I frowned at her "why do you want to ruin this nice moment" I said,
    "but are serious about what you said last night" she asked, "lol, like I would call in the middle of the night just to joke arround", I replied, Before forcing out a smile
     by now I had finished dressing, and was ready, I still had a lot of time, it was just 5 past 9, I looked at the paper which faisal wrote the adress in, the company wasn't so far,
       "international productivity company Is the name of the company, I have no idea what the company does" I said...
   Jidda laughed, "its a shame, then what are going for" Ruqayyah said as she entered the room, "well no problem, just pray they don't ask you why you want to work there"Ruqayyah added, I sighed,     
      "Jidda, hope you heard the good news" Ruqayyah said,
   "o!! Ya Allah please help me" I thought,
     "indeed I have" Jidda replied and they both laughed,
      "what is so funny" I asked, "I can imagine how Fatima would love her husband, she doesn't believe in love remember!!! " Jidda teased,
    "she has no I dea how much I want love I just haven't find it yet".....
       "Yeah, well she should better start now because marriage without love is no good at all" Ruqayyah said, i looked at the time, 9:27, "alhamdulilah"...
      "Well let me leave you two to your gossip, I have an interview to go to" I said quickly standing up and picking my briefcase.
     "good luck" they both said as I left the room, I went out, put on my black open toed, wedge.
      I hailed for a cab and showed him the adress, he drove, just as we about to make itto the adress, a sudden traffic arose, I tried to wait but the traffic was really slow and was wasting my time,  I was getting late really,  I decided to walk there, luckily for me the office was just some feets from where the cab was, i paid of the cab, and started to walk.
    how some few feets felt like miles I thought as I kept walking non stop,  the office didn't seem to be so close anymore.
      I was now close and had to cross the road, just as i was about to get to the other side a car suddenly came close to hitting me, as the car came close to me, I tried to run but my leg were stuck,I stood still shocked, closing my eyes as I had already seen my self dead, saying"la ila ha ilalah" I felt as if the car had stopped right in front of me but I still didn't open my eyes, the driver came out of the car, "are you okey" a male voice said, I opened my eyes "I was fine, alhamdulilah" I though... I looked at myself confirming my thoughts before replying "yes I am fine, thanks" I said now crossing the road, and walking...
      As I walked I felt a car behind me, I turned and it was the car that nearly hit me, I turned and the man in the car said "Asallamu alaiki sister, can I give you a ride"...I turned and looked at him, I really had trust issues but he did look innocent
"no thank you" I said as I kept walking, but he kept following me, "please" he said, "yea right, as if I am going to enter a car with a none muharam, stranger who just nearly hit me" I said.
    "yea exactly that is why I want to take you to your destination because I feel bad for nearly hitting you" he said, but I didn't answer "because of Allah, please don't make me leave this place feeling bad" he said,
Then I turned,  now I felt bad, "alright" I said, and he smiled, I entered the car because he used Allah's name and also because I was tired of walking, "where to" he asked, "international productivity company" I said, and he looked at me then said "o.m.g, that's were am heading too, I work there", I looked down and smiled, and he drove of, in time we were at the office, he parked the car, and we both came down, the company was really big,  "follow me" he said, and I did, "here for the interview?" He asked and I nodded, we entered a lift and he pressed button number 11,
       we were silent for a while before I said "please can I ask you" , "go on"he said, "what exactly is this company about?" I asked and he smiled "o.m.g and you are here for an interview, well its a company that help international countries in productivity, like contracts are given to us regarding things that should be improved and we do it an make it productive" he said, "you get?" He asked and I nodded "thanks, what is the boss like?" I asked, "well I can't say really" he said, "well I just hope his nice, cause I heard rich people like this are always mean" I said, and he smiled, suddenly the left opened, "we are here" he said, "well I leave you now, just go to the receptionist and she would direct you" he said, now smiling "we would meet again, soon insha Allah" he said, walking away.

      I went straight to the receptionist and told her I was here for the interview and she told me to wait in line, there was a long line, and I waited behind, I watched as each person entered and left, finally it was my turn, I entered the office and there were three people sitted, the middle chair was turned so I couldn't make out the face, all I knew was it was a male, the other two were females and none Muslims, I said "Good morning" and the two answered, "please sit down" one of the ladies said, and I did, the male person in the middle now turned "Mis Fatima, please tell us what you know about this company" he said, it was the guy who nearly hit me, now he wasn't smiling but putting on a straight face, I tried to recollect all I had said since we met, "ya Allah, please help, I hope I didn't say anything mean to him, hass bunallahu wa ni'mal wakil"....

Love in 10 day§ (Unedited)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt