Day one ( meeting him)

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"Well, as the name implies, its an international productivity company" I said,then paused "bismillahi rahmanir rahim"i said to my self.
     its a company that helps in the improvement of foreign countries" I said with sudden confidence, they all smiled, the man in the middle picked up my papers and looked at them, before saying "you studied mass communication, I see", wasn't sure if to answer or not so I kept quite, and he continued, "well you are fully aware that this job isn't for an mass communication students" he says then pauses now to look at me, and I lowering my gaze,
    "this job is for a personal assistant and an adviser" he says again then pauses, it was almost he was trying to study me or somehow read me expression, "so if you were to give me an advice whether to hire you or not, what would u advice" he says
    "what should I say" i thought to myself, I had to be honest and if  i am I might loose this job, "we are waiting" he said
    "Honestly" I asked, then whispered "I would advice you don't"
   "Am sorry what did you say" he asked, I closed my,took in my breath, then let it out by saying "I would advice you not to", 'if this is what this job is all about then I don't want it' I thought to myself,
   "wow, really" he asked "I would love to hear your reasons" he added, 'what else do they want from me" I thought, "well as you said my course isn't for this job, and not until I entered the elevator I had no idea what this company does, I don't deserve to be hired" I said The two women looked at me in shock and the man in the middle was just smiling, "well then, you have cast your verdict" he said, "no need to waste your time telling you to expect our call, but you can still leave your contact" he said, handing me a paper with which I wrote my number, then left the office.

      "what a total waste of time" I thought, it was now 1:26, and I was so tired and I had a serious head ache. I hailed for a cab and went straight home, at my arrival home, I met my sister all dressed up.
"Asallamu alaikum" I said as I entered the house, "wa'alaiki sallam" my siste answered,
   "where are you going?", I asked. "To the market of cause didn't I tell u that we are having visitors for dinner" she replied.
     'o.m.g I totally forgot" I though    
      "well am off, when I get back you would tell me how the job interview went" she said, walking out the door.
    After she left I went straight to my room, performed my wudu, and then prayed zuhur, I wanted to recite the Qur'an a little but I was too tried so I took a little nap instead.
"Zahra wake up, fateee wake up" Ruqayyah said, waking me up,
     "its time for prayer, go and pray and come straight to kitchen to prepare the meal for your in-laws" she said.
     I woke up,went to perform my wudu, after the ablution I prayed, and went straight to the kitchen as I was told, at the kitchen I met Ruqayyah and Jidda cutting some spices "Asallamu alaikum" I said,
   "wa'alaiki sallam" they both answered,
   "Jidda, you are going to stay for dinner right??" I asked, "of course, I would love to see how handsome my best friend's husband to be is" she said with a smiled.
    "zahra, we have helped you by  cutting some of the spices, but you have to do all the cooking yourself" Ruqayyah said, (zahra is my nickname),
    "alright" I said, they both got sits and sat down, cooking for your groom and his family was always the family tradition.
    "o.m.g I am really getting married in ten days", now I was sure more than ever that it was true, I picked up the pot and started frying the spices they had cut, I was going to make different varieties.
     basmati rice with fried chicken, spaghetti and Bolognese sauce, causlaw, fruit salad and cup cakes.
     So much work luckily for me they had helped me with cutting of some of the spices.
    "so how was the interview" Ruqayyah asked,
"yea you didn't give any feed back" Jidda added,
  "well, honestly it didn't go well"...
" you didn't get the job" jidda asked, and I nodded.
   then continued my cooking, luckily for me basmati rice and fried chicken, didn't take so long to cook and I was done,
    Ruqayyah brought out a cooler and poured it in, I boiled the spaghetti while I was doing the rice so it also was done in no time, now I was left with the sauce, cup cakes, fruit salad and causlaw, all those where piece of cakes, which I did one after the other and by 6:45 I was done, I took time though cause I stared by 3:43, but Alhamdulilah I was done and to me I had  finished earlier than expected, just in time for magrib prayer.
    By the time I was done Ruqayyah and jidda were up stairs, so as i finished I put everything in it appropriate place, set the table and cleaned the kitchen before going to my room to pray, as I entered my room I saw Ruqayyah and Jidda sitting on my bed, and had laid a red cloth on it, "zahra, go take your bath, pray and get ready, they are coming by 7:30" she said, I nodded but all I wanted to see was the cloth placed on my bed, they noticed I was trying to see what it was and so they covered it, I did as I was told, I normally took a lot of time in the bathroom but I tried to hurry which I did, I was now done praying and it was now 7:20, after I was done, Jidda raised up the red cloth on my bed, Masha Allah it was a red dinner gawn, its so lustrous, it was beautiful "sis, you bought a new gawn just for this" I asked Ruqayyah, "of cause" she answered, and "a vail too"she said raising a golden coloured material which was way finer than the material used in the gawn, "o!! My God, Masha Allah they are beautiful," I said and she smiled, "yea they are and combined with your beauty, I am sure Ibrahim would feel so lucky" she said and I smiled, "make up time" Jidda said, as she pushed me to the dressing mirror, she covered the mirror, and I had no idea what she was doing to my face, all I knew was, she picked up material over material, mascara, eye shadow, name them all, "all done" she said, now turning to Ruqayyah's direction, "what do you think" she said to Ruqayyah, "wow beautiful, mesmerizing" she said, they were now moving me up and down like a toy, "can I look at the mirror now" I asked and Jidda opened the mirror "wow, masha Allah, my friend is a good make up artist", I smiled, "what do you think" Jidda asked and just when I was about to answer, the bell rang, "they are here" Ruqayyah shouted now rushing down stairs, "they are here, just stay here for a while and come down in ten minutes" she said, following Ruqayyah down stairs, I looked at the time as it moved slowly, "ten minutes, why ten minutes" I thought, it was now 7:36, "forget it I can't wait"I thought now opening the door to leave when my phone rang, I quickly picked "Asallamu alaikum" I said as I picked the call it was an unknown number, "wa'alaiki sallam, my name is Kabir, we met earlier today" the man said, "okey..." I said trying to remember if I met any kabir on that day, "the job, I took you to the company and I interviewed you" he said, "o!! Yea I remember" I said, "yea sorry about that, you really were fit for the job but I really liked you and my company has a no dating policy"he said, "what I don't understand" I said, "if you would have gotten the job..." he said, before a knock on the door took my attention "you know what kabir, would talk later" i said hanging up the call, I quickly went to open the door and it was Faisal "we are all waiting" he said, and I left the room, "wow masha Allah sis you look beautiful" he said, as we walked into the dinning table, as we entered the dinning where they were sitted I felt so shy, I badly wanted to look at them but I could raise my head up, "over here" Jidda said, and I went to sit close to her which was opposite one of them I think, I raised my head a little and saw two men and a little girl, "the one opposite you is Ibrahim's brother, Ahmad, and the one beside him is Ibrahim" she said, and I now raised my head to look at him, as I looked at Ibrahim, our eyes met and I quickly looked down, "sorry mum and dad couldn't make it they traveled" Ahmad said, looking directly at me as if it was me he was explain to, "its alright" Faisal answered, "I think Ahmad is the elder brother, they both soo handsome but Ahmad is more" Jidda said, I totally agreed with her, they were both good looking, and their little sister was cute, she looked at me and I smiled at her, she quickly got up and said "I want to sit near sister Fatima", she was so cute and I smiled, she came and sat near me, I whispered "what's your name" and she answered "fareedah", I really didn't want them to hear me so I whispered "what a beautiful name" and she smiled, Jidda was just there to gossip with me "wow they must talk about you so much for their sister to know your name" she whispered, I smiled and stood up to serve everyone, I was done serving eeveryone except fareedah "what do you want to eat" I asked her, she smiled and pointed at the cupcakes on the table "what about food" I asked, and she shook her head, "I only want cake" she said and I handed her the cakes, "she is really not the food eating type"Ahmad said and I smiled, I look at Ibrahim but he was just quietly eating "he is too quite for me"I thought..
Now everyone was done eating and we now relocated to the balcony where they all left Ibrahim and I to talk, immediately we where left alone the place was quite, I looked down while Ibrahim looked at me, "you look so beautiful" was the first thing he said, i smiled and said thank you "Fatima, I know all this is happening very fast, and we bearly know each other, but insha Allah I would try my best to make you happy at all" he said, and I smiled, and said "insha Allah",he seemed not to be the talking type, I really didn't want to say anything more so we remained silent for while untill, his little sister fareedah came in, "can I have some more cake" fareedah asked and I stood up to get it for her, saved by the little girl, I went to the kitchen and gave some of the cupcakes which luckily for me was still remaining, I gave her the plate where I put the cake in and she ran off, I left the kitchen, I really didn't want to go back to balcony but I had to, immediately I got back I met him standing "well its getting late, fareedah must be so tired" he said, I said "okey", "can I get your number" he asked and I gave it to him,we both left the balcony to the living room where both our families where, as we entered they all stood up, "should we go?" Ahmad asked Ibrahim and he nodded, and we all went out, just as they where about to enter the car Ahmad said "sister inlaw heard you are looking for a job" he says coming close to me, "here's my card, you could come to the office tomorrow" he said handing me his card and smiling, "thanks" I said collecting the card, and they left, after they left we all went back inside, "so what do you think" Ruqayyah asked, I smile "he is okey, but I don't think he likes me" I said, she smiled and said "I am sure he does", I smiled and walked straight to my room, Jidda followed and we both entered my room, Jidda jumped on top of my bed and said "o.m.g what a night, do you know when you and Ibrahim were talking his brother and I were talking too, his brother is soo friendly, and fun to be with" Jidda said, I smiled "wow!! Hmm you like my brother in law hmm" I said smiling, she blushed and to my surprise I think I was right "you know, I could help you, you know talk about you once in a while" I said looking at my hand, "o!! I forgot here is his card" I said, winking at her, she smiled "hey don't turn this on me, what about you and Ibrahim, what did you discuss" she asked, "nothing really, he is too quite" I said, Jidda started laughing, "do you like him though" she asked, "not really" I thought , I smiled "o!! I am so tired, need to sleep" I said now changing into my night p.j "you sleeping here right" I asked and she nodded, 'well goodnight night" I said

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