𝟺. 𝙱𝚞𝚕𝚕

46 4 0

"Hey, Effie." I felt someone shaking my right shoulder. I groaned, trying to remmeber where I am. It didn't take long for me to rememeber after I see my Grandpa's face come into view.

"Mr. Winters? Is it over?" I ask, with a hoarse voice.

"If you mean this strange dream like experience we're having then no. If you mean the fighting and gunfire, not quite. It's not as aggresive as it was earlier, but it's still going."

"Then why'd you wake me up?"

"I saw someone who looked kind of familier. I mean, it's strange. It's like I recogised him,  but at the same time, there's no way it's the guy that I'm thinking of because he died a long time ago." I looked at him with a puzzled look.

"So, what do you wanna do?" He seemed to think for a moment. And before it even came out of his mouth, I already had a bad feeling of what he was about to say.

"He was alone for some reason, so I think we should follow him to see if we can help each other. He's not far. If we follow him now, we'll be able to catch up before we lose him, so come on." He gestured for me to get up, so I did, but not without a groan of annoyance.

The shed's door made an erry squeak as he opened it. Even with the occational sound of a bullet being fired, the door's squeak still echoed throughout the quiet.

I was still grogy from being awoken so suddenly. Even though I should be wide awake, given the situation I'm currently in, but I guess I didn't realize just how exausted I actually was.

My Grandpa, even for being 87, had a pep in his step. The way he's taking all this, like he's done this before, had me feeling a little less like we were gonna die and more like, 'oh, maybe we'll actually we'll make it out of here with our lives.'

We tried to stay as low as possible, crouching behind brick structures that were about the same height as fences.

We had just snuck past some men in uniforms, who Mr. Winters said looked like Germans based on their uniforms, when we spotted another guy across what used to be someone's yard, trying to hide from the German's as well.

"That's him." Grandpa said. 

Right as we were about to step out to follow, a group of soldiers ran past. German soldiers.

"Shit, that was close. Looks like most of the soldiers that are here are Germans. This doesn't make any sense." Mr. Winters hesitated before turning and looking at me.

"Listen, I'm going to run across first, and when I see it's safe, I'll motion for you to follow. We have to hurry before that guy finds another opening and gets even further from us."

"But, wait! You can't just leave me here! What if some soldiers come over and find me?" I started to feel fear bubble its way into my body. I started to physically shake. I felt the edge of my vision going black at the thought of being left behind and being killed. Before I could completly go into panic mode, Grandpa grabbed both my shoulders.

"It's goign to be okay. I promise." He looked me in the eyes. And that's when I finally started to calm down. Somehting about his ocean blue eyes held truth in them and they were calming to look at.

"Okay. I trust you." I said after taking a deep breath. He smiled and turned.

"Alright. Here I go." He peeked around the corner and when he saw that the coast was clear, he made a run for it. Well, as fast as an 87 year old man could go while trying to crouch and stay hidden.

I watched him carefully, while also checking my own surroundings to make sure no one had noticed me or was coming my way. Grandpa had made it across just in time, because right then, the guy we've been chasing was about to continue moving before Grandpa grabbed his shoulder. The guy turned, and from what I could make out from this distance, he looked shocked and seemed like he was about to shoot Mr. Winters. I saw my Grandpa moving his hands around, as if he was talking fast, then I saw him point back at me, and that's when the guy he was talking to followed where he was pointing and noticed me. I stiffened when I saw him looking at me. That's when I moved my gaze to see my Grandpa motioning for me to come over.

Carefully, I peeked around the corner to make sure no one was coming. That's when I made a quick run for it, while I crouched. When I made it over, I quickly hid behind the deep ditch and Grandpa quickly embraced me. I hugged him back.

After he let me go, he turned to face the other guy, who had blonde hair and had a very large build. He was wearing a sodliers uniform, but it was different from the ones we've been seeing. The patch on the side had a eagle and it read 'Airborne'.

"This is Sgt, Denver Randleman. I briefly told him about our situation, and he's agreed to help us." Mr. Winters finished quickly with the introduction, to which I stuck my hand out and did a quick introduction myself.

"Effie Leverette. Thanks for helping us Sgt. Randleman." He stuck out his own hand and shook mine. When he grasped my stuck out hand, it felt like he would crush it given enough pressure. His large hand completly engulfed my own.

"No problem Effie. And you can just call me Bull. However, we're not out of the woods yet, so don't get your hopes up." I nodded at his words, because he was right. We were still in some really deep shit.

All three of us peeked up over the ditch and saw that a large group of shoulders were standing at the edge of the street. There was no way we were making it past them. As we dropped back down into the ditch, Bull looked around like he was thinking of a plan.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I asked in a quieted whisper.

He pointed to the sewer drain under a bridge a couple yards away. It had half of its gaited bars missing.

"We'll hide in there until nightfall, then try to sneak out and regroup with my company." Me and my Grandpa nodded. Although it wasn't the best plan int he world, it was the best we had and it'd have to do for now.

𝑺𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓 + 𝑺𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒆 (B.o.B. Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now