Chapter 3 : Should Never Have

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note ; I'm ganna be fr, this was in one sitting like omg- be proud of me pls and on another note these songs arent really a must to listen, its just me listening on repeat to keep me motivated


Now you are only living in your head. When are you not? Having said so, now you were sitting around the hospital courtyard. Watching the view, some kids playing around and seeing an elder sitting two benches away reading a book.

You? Oh, just sitting on a bench and eating some pain au chocolat that was fresh out of the cafeteria. You did not know they would be serving french based bread at a UK hospital. Getting out of your room with crutches was not a new thing for you but you're still not used to it even after a week of using it.

It's a quiet evening, having gaz leaving really is something. Now your days(a day) are boring having no one to talk to except Dr. Suzan. If she asks how your condition was and giving you a reminder to take your pills is considered a talk.

The whole day was boring, the only thing you did was taking your meds, watching the tv, sitting around, moving around your room and constantly getting out of your room just to sit outside of your room.

Gaz is really someone who took a big role in your daily life. You really should make friends in this place too but how are you going to? This isn't really highschool, which was the worst, this was a hospital. Are you supposed to make friends with another patient next to your room? Augh, sounds like a nightmare.

This chocolate croissant is very delectable. This probably tastes better than the ones you always bought at a nearby bakery. You haven't gone there in a while. You miss that old place, the owner of the bakery was some nice sweet old couple. They were always nice to you and sometimes gave you extra doughnut holes. Those things are just delicious with cinnamon.

How you miss those sweet couples and your grandpa. You wonder how your grandpa is, you don't really know if you are alive in that world anymore. Were you dead there? How will he react? You wonder.

You haven't realised someone sat beside you on the bench until the bench was sinking a bit. How can a bench sink when only two people are sitting on it- nevermind. A lot was explained when you looked who was beside you, this guy was huge, probably double your height and weight. For a huge guy he looked like a big goth fanatic weirdo with him wearing a black hoodie and having the hood up, rings on his fingers and a surgical black mask.

Maybe he was a weirdo, out of all the benches he could sit on in this courtyard, he decided to sit on the bench you were sitting on. You had to tilt your head up a bit to look behind his head. You can't really see him that well with his head turning slightly away from you. You wanted to get off this bench. You were getting creeped out by this guy.

'His probably some creep or something.. Why did you have to sit beside me??' you thought while trying to finish your croissant faster and trying not to choke on it.

The guy suddenly turned his head to you. Blond hair spilling out from his hood. Brown eyes staring straight into your eyes and not saying anything to you. Yup. Total creep.

"Can I help you, sir?" You tried not sounding off like you were creeped out or nervous around him. Little scars were covering half or his whole face, you don't know, he was wearing a mask. With his whole attire and his huge body, this guy is the definition of intimidating. His posture was stiff and looked like he was ready to jump at someone. If looks could kill, you were already dead a minute ago.

The guy seems to be thinking, you think, you can't really read his face with him just having a blank expression.


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