20. Poptarts

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poptarts created 14th September 1964
owner: Kellanova, previous owner: Kellogg's (1964-2023)
country: America (united states)

The Weasely twins had taken up residence at Errikos' home and he could officially say that they were driving him nuts!

He had so much work to do but with two sets of hyperactive boys.... well one set are adults, causing as much mayhem as possible it was driving him completely insane even Tit and Tat were pulling their hair out with them their sweet innocent young masters were becoming little hellions in their eyes and they weren't happy one bit and so they went to Errikos

"Sirs can be stopping red heads from being mean*" said Tat not happy

"What have they done now?!"

"Master red heads gave young masters Poptarts!" exclaimed Tit who was now panicking

"Oh boy!" he got up from his desk and run to the his son's room only to see that his sons were full on sugar and his friends giving them so more



....these are amazing...

...so sweet...

....so sugary....

...so perfect!"

"Frederick Gideon, George Fabian!! why did you think giving them those would be a good idea?! they've never had something like this before and...." he watched his son's practically climb the walls with their magic laughing like loons

"Galen Thomas, Kamari Severus get down here right now!" the pair came down and were buzzing with how much sugar they had in their bodies making Errikos glare at his friends

"YOU'RE LOOKING AFTER THEM!" he wasn't in the mood to deal with this he had a meeting to get to due to a Bill going out in the Wizengamort which he needed to get rid of... I've the Creature Bill to make sure all Creatures were registered and looked down on

The Weasely twins eeped they hadn't seen this side of Errikos before and it scared them


.... we're sorry....

...we didn't...

...mean to....

...we just....

...wanted them....

...to try....

...them" said the twins one at at time in their natural twin speak

"I don't care you two gave them what I would call 100% sugar so you two can deal with two hyperactive 6 year old twins who have never and I mean never experienced a sugar rush before" with that he took his his cloak and walked out of the room in a huff

"Freddie we kinda messed up"

"Big time Georgie"

"More more !!" bounced the 6 year olds around them

"We're doomed!"

For the next few hours the twins tortured the older twins in games and running around and hiding the elves didn't help them

The young twins found that as the elves weren't around and helping they could get away with anything and so they went to see what they could do

Firstly they looked around their room and started painting the walls they were laughing like mad people making the older set of twins to look at them and noticed that they were painting in the walls

"Tom... er I mean Galen you can do that" said George as Fred picked Kamari who was covered in paint and

"How did they get covered like this so quickly?!" asked Fred who was trying to stop Kam from hurting himself

"I have no idea Freddie but the once evil dark lord is no naked and running off"

"George! you were meant to be watching him where did he go?!"

"Well you gave him poptarts!"

"So did you!! damn it little Snape has also ran off"

The little boys were running around Len had gotten dressed again and they had ended up on the ceiling as they watched their babysitters run underneath them bickering

"Lenny this is fun" he giggled as he sat down on the ceiling cross legged

"Kammy you're right ths is fun we haven't ever had something like this before and papa is careful with the sugar and they gave us poptarts"

"So sweet" laughed Kam as he watched the older set of twins run underneath them again this time calling their names

"I can't believe they are saying our old names"

"Yeah we don't use them anymore but they also keep saying I'm a professor and you're an evil dark lord"

"No clue Kam who they are but come on I know where papa keeps the floo powder"

"You think we should?"

"We're six and they lost us so...."

"Ok nice let's go!"

They ran across the ceiling making as much noise as they could so then the others would follow them by the time they got to the Floo room the two young boys were grabbing hold of the Floo powder

"Galen! Kamari! don't, don't use that" shouted the Weasely twins

The Peverell twins looked up at them and smiled before dropping the Floo powder down and calling out Diagon Alley and in a blast of green smoke the 6 year olds were gone

"We are so dead!"

"More then dead!"

They raced over to the Floo and together to Diagon Alley and went in search of the little Peverell twins who were now off exploring the alley without their father

"Split up!" the Weasely twins said together both nodded and knew that they could send their Magpie Patronus to each other when they finally found the children

As they ran off to look for them in completely wrong directions the Peverell twins were looking at the pet shop n complete awe at the animals their sugar rush had ended as they had Floo'd so they were ok now

"Len I wanna go home"

"Same Kam but I'm not sure what papa says our home is called"

"We can't get home?! Len I want papa!" he started to tear up he hated this he knew he shouldn't have the blasted poptarts but they were just too good

"I know Kam I know I didn't think this through..."

"We both didn't" they sat down outside Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream shop upset little did they know someone was watching them and smiled

do I make Errikos:

straight and which female?

gay and which male?


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