30. Calming Effect

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Errikos had brought Abraxas and little Lucius to Peverell Manor and had asked Tit and Tat to bring some refreshments as he went about calming his little mate down, he had a feeling that it would take a while as this as one of his dominates weren't here to help but as top dominate he would easily be able to calm the submissive in his lap

"Abby, little Colt it's ok you're safe now I won't let anyone hurt you I really don't want to hurt you will you stop crying for me and tell me what's wrong so then I can help you?" he pet his blond hair gently and let him calm more

"I...I thought Farrah loved me more than a friend, she was more than a friend to me I loved her! we have a son together but then she tells me that it was all political and for the family and whatnot she didn't tell me she was a Seer until this morning... she lied to me"

"Oh my little Colt no no she didn't lie to you, she knew this would happen if she told you and she didn't want you to hurt yourself like now you're blaming yourself more than anything she was saving you from the pain...

...she wanted you happy and you were until her death which broke you and hurt you oh so precious son here, she wanted you happy and she could see the pain you were in daily and so she felt the guilt of not tell you and look..." he touched his arm where his marks were and smiled

"You my little Colt have two people that love you more than anything, you also have a handsome son that needs you more than anything in the world, remember she will always be with you in your heart as well in your precious boy here" he kissed Abraxas' head when he finally turned to him

"Are you sure she'll be ok with it all? me loving her as well as you and Orion? they were my best friends" he asked in an almost whisper

"I'm sure she will be happy we can move her portrait here and keep Malfoy Manor open I know your father Castel will understand he knows that you are a creature and all creatures have mates even your mother was most likely one but I do not know as from what I could find out was that she died in child birth that's all"

"Mother did father told me stories and one was that she always wanted a son called Lucius but Father said that it didn't fit with our family tradition which was animals...hence the nickname of Colt for me and Lucius has two his is a Northern Pike or Light, me and Farrah decided of the Light nickname well we call him Little Spark really.."

"Yes Father?"

"Nothing I was explaining to Errikos here what you name means and your nickname"

"Oh, ok" he went about reading again it looked like he was becoming a teenager sooner than expected it made the two men laugh

"Well now your son is sorted are you feeling better?" asked Errikos to him

"Yes but why don't I want to leave your lap? and why do I feel more than safe when I'm closer to you than I did with Orion but with you together I feel that you two will protect me? why do I want to look around and pick out a spot that will be mine alone?"

"Ah I see the questions have started but very good questions there and I can answer them after your son is playing Tit, Tat?"

Both House Elves popped in and took Lucius out of the way and to the play room where Kam and Len were playing and making a right mess

"Now my Little Colt the first question to answer is that you are a submissive as you can tell on you arm, black for dominate, blue for switch and green for submissive you understand right?"

He nodded at this and saw that his marks were green and Errikos' was black and if he looked at Orion's when he was there at Gringotts he would of seen blue

"Ok then it means you are the submissive of the group and that you feel comfortable with me and that your Veela is happy and contented with it all, I scream safety to your creature I am a dragon..."

Abraxas was shocked he had heard people with a dragon creature inheritance was dangerous but here he was happy and contented on his lap and inside he could feel his Veela purring away

"You're next question I think I already answered as I am a dragon and the strongest of all creatures so you don't have to worry, Orion is a Dark Elf he's stronger than your Veela but not by much to be honest but he is submissive to me and dominate to you and sadly will always be, he is known as a switch...

...your creature saw him as a dominate but not a strong dominate in their eyes they wanted someone stronger able to protect you both my Little Colt remember that ok, our Little Snake will come home soon and bring his two stars with him, we will have our moon, stars, light and little healer all here soon enough"

"Who are they?" his creature was taking over and quickly the longer they started to form the bond he could tell that his light grey eyes turning a gold in colour and it made Errikos smile

"Well my little Colt the moon is Kamari, the stars are Sirius and Regulus, your little spark is your Lucius and the little healer is Galen, our snake will be here soon let me the protector protect you from now on" he kissed his head as Abraxas fell asleep in his lap he purred

Tat came in asking if Heir Black could come in with his sons Errikos just nodded he wouldn't be able to get up anytime soon it seemed this made him smile more

"Take the children to the playroom and serve them some snacks no sugar Tat"

"Right away sir" and they left and brought in Orion

"How is he?"

"Worried Orion what about you did everything go to plan is she gone?"

"How did you know?"

"I have my ways to be honest with you but being top dominate does help in this respect I'm glad no one was hurt but we need to watch out for her I know she isn't finished and she will go to someone who will help her" he pet the sleeping Abraxas' hair making him purr more

"Do you know who?

"I do"

"Will you tell me?"

"Sadly no the future changes all the time and I'm only 65% sure of who it is but without some research I can't say for sure"

"That's fine I'm just glad she's gone to be honest she did so much damage to the boys and I couldn't have it any longer, she even hid my bonding marks until she hurt the boys for the last time.." he sighed

"Yes I know but we need to make sure that we are all safe and me being a dragon will help more than anything we hoard and protect and now that the 5 of you are here I won't be letting you leave..." he smiled

"So we're trapped here?" he panicked

"No what I mean is that this is your home now for all of you, yes you are Heir's and Lord's in all sense of the words but this is your home from now on that's what I mean that you can't leave we will keep the other Manor's open and free and we will visit over the years to come and when the boys are old enough they will take it all over if that's ok with you?" he held Orion's hand making the Dark Elf purr and coo at being held he was relaxed and calm he soon fell asleep on Errikos' shoulder his two mates were exhausted one from finding out who his mates were and the other from all the family drama...

He too felt like he could use a nap as well his magic for once completely calm and relaxed

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