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1. Special thanks to and who have gone through draft after draft with me and helped me make these sequels everything they are <3
2. Please visit end notes after the chapter for important updates!
3. Enjoy!


Welcome to the Cyb[error]ife's Memory Relay Experience!

This program is currently running on a De%v Ki^t [QUANTUM SUPERCOMPUTER] and the software itself is st1ll 1n b3t@ te5t1ng [INTEGRATED WITH A TRANSHUMAN ENTITY]. To get started, please review th-

Welcome message deactivation in progress...

Quantum coherence inhibitors disengaging...

Initializing qubit state injectors...

Injector sequence: [COMPLETE]

Qubit states: [SYNCHRONIZED]

Compiling quantum script batch files:





Injecting quantum script batch files...

Injection: [COMPLETE]

Running program as administrator...

WARNING: Discrepancies in memory data streams may cause relay instability or data corruption. Proceed with caution. Continue synchronization?

[YES] [NO]

NOTICE TO OPERATOR: Data filtration is active. Unrelated memory segments are omitted for efficiency. In instances of rapid data transition or file fragmentation, an [...] indicator will be displayed. Memory data may undergo adaptive recontextualization for coherence. Do you acknowledge and accept these operational parameters?

[YES] [NO]

DISCLAIMER: Operator's cognitive patterns may quickly align with memory data streams during full neural synchronization. Potential side effects include temporary memory overlap, disorientation, or [REDACTED]. Operator discretion is advised. Do you acknowledge and accept these risk parameters?

[YES] [NO]

[NOT1C3]: Per [empl0yee], waiver agr33ments are pr3viously acknowledged. Refer to §4.3 of your [REDACTED] for d3tailed terms. Data integrity [corru..ted]... Acknowledge?

[YES] [NO]

Initiating memory relay...


A.STERN: CyberLife is "owned" by investors and stockholders. That's what happens when you take out a loan for a publicly traded company. Therefore, the board has assigned you new heads of R&D.

She presented a folder with records and photographs.

A.STERN: Here are their names and pictures for when you return.


R.PERKINS: The persons of interest list was a long read...

R.PERKINS: Number four.

He removed a paper clip from the folder, and flipped to a photograph.

R.PERKINS: Philip Seymor...the man who built the quantum computer and was charged with scrubbing every bit of information about you from the Internet.

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