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It had been 10 years since the Restablishment had fallen. Juliette was still the Supreme Leader of North America and Nazeera had taken over as The Supreme Leader of Asia. Aaron and Kenji work together to keep Oceania in check but, Juliette basically runs it. However, they all live in North America. Since they had taken over, things were finally going back to normal in society. Although they weren't the best quality, crops had grown back, tons of trees had grown back, the sky was going back to blue, and arts had come back. Music started being played in public, movies and music resumed being made, books were being written and read, and most people seemed happier.

August 7th

"Aaron! Come down here!" Juliette called.

Nazeera and Juliette had been talking earlier in the week and decided today was the day to do it.

"I mean I'm all for bonding moments but you guys are acting weird." Kenji looked between Naz and Ella.

"Don't worry about it eazizi" Nazeera replied

When Aaron finally came down the stairs he knew something was up. He sensed the anxiousness radiating off of Ella. He glanced over at Kenji, who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Go sit down" Juliette ushered him to the couch

"Hey blondie" Kenji bumped his shoulder against Aarons.

"Kishimoto, the next time I hear you call me blondie, I'm going to pull a knife on you"

"Yo what the f-"

"Shut up you two." Nazeera and Juliette looked at eachother before facing their husbands again.

"We have something to tell you."

"Let me guess" Kenji interrupted "You both are pregnant and due at the same time so we're gonna have one big happy family?"

Nazeera and Juliette's jaws dropped immediately. There was a silence that seemed to incase the room.

"Wait was I actually right?"

"Um yeah."

There was a beat of silence before Kenji jumped up from his seat, whooped, and ran into Juliette's arms.

"Bro, I'm your wife?!" Naz flipped her hands into the air.

"Get your crusty hands off of my soon to be baby." Aaron pushed Kenji off of Juliette, then kissed her for probably 20 seconds without breathing.

"You two are disgusting." Kenji said beaming. He turned to Naz "I love you so much."

"Yeah, yeah I know." Kenji picked her up and spun her around until she was giggling uncontrollably "okay put me down nerd."

May 27th

"What a cute little mini J." Kenji held Ethan, Aaron and Juliette's son.

"He really looks like you Aaron." Naz smiled

"First of all, thank you Nazeera. Second of all, Kenji put down my son. You're gonna drop him."

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