Chapter 6

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✟ 𝙀𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙧 ✟

✟ 𝙀𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙧 ✟

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My knuckles are bruised.

Dad noticed I was all fucked up and took me to our basement gym thingy.

I had been punching the same bag for about 45 minutes. For the past 2 weeks.

I told Mom and Dad what had happened. Mom pressed me about it for days until I gave in.

In Dad's exact words; "You're an idiot. But you're my idiot. You have two options kill Nick or get over Olivia."

He voted both.

"Okay kid calm down." Dad pulled me off of the bag. He studied me for a second before grabbing the first aid kit.



"You're giving me the Dad look. What's going on?"

He shook his head, throwing the kit at my feet. I opened it, looking for the anti septic as he spoke.

"I see myself in you Ethan." He was sitting on the floor infront of me, back rested against the wall.


"You're reminding me of how I acted with your Mom." He smiled before continuing. "I was a wreck. She escaped my gaze and I searched for her endlessly. Then when we finally started dating, I made sure I always knew where she was."

I listened intently

"When she was dating your uncle, I was so jealous. The amount of times I tried to convince her that he was an asshole is astronomical."

"Okay well she's not dating my brother."

"Not the point. I'm telling you that it wasn't easy. Your mom hated me. Tried to kill me kind of hate. She shot me in the arm when I told her I liked her."

"Oh damn."

"Look kid, you're perfect. You have no faults. If anyone says you're not perfect, I'll kill them. Anyway, if she can't see that then she's stupid." He gave me a slight smile "It's not going to be easy, but you need to get over her. Your heart will heal. I promise."

"Damn Warner. When did you become nice?"

"What the fuck are you doing here Kenji?"


"How did you get into my house."

"J let me in."

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