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In a densely covered forest, Jaune Arc was leaning up against a tree. His body was covered with wounds from the beating given to him by the two people that he used to call his family. As Jaune was slipping in and out of unconsciousness, he started to reflect on how things ended up this way.

Jaune was born into the illustrious Arc family, famous for its members being heroes and people of great renown. Growing up, Jaune would hear tales of the great actions that his family did and all the lives that they saved. Inspired by these stories, Jaune decided to become a huntsman to live up to his family and become a hero of his own.

However, when it came time for him to start training, it showed the Arc family how weak he was. Seeing how he had no potential to become a huntsman, his family gave up on him and thus he started to become an outcast within the clan.

He was constantly looked down upon by his parents, sisters, and other members of the clan. They felt he was a stain on their legacy, that such a weak person was born into a family such as theirs was nothing short of embarrassing.

Despite the abuse and neglect of his family, Jaune remained determined with his dream of becoming a huntsman. After many years he got desperate and thus took drastic measures to make his dream come true. He managed to get some fake transcripts and submitted them to Beacon, hoping that with the training offered there, he could become a huntsman and make his family proud.

The transcripts were accepted and after surviving initiation, he was finally in Beacon and the leader of the new team JNPR. Things were finally looking up for Jaune, he was in Beacon and found a team and new friends that he could count on.

Though Jaune was able to get into Beacon, it was quickly shown that he was not ready and soon earned the title 'the weakest of beacon' due to him never once winning a match in combat class. Though he was still weak, Jaune did not let it get him down and did what he thought was right and continued to strive towards his goal of becoming a huntsman.

However good things never last as he becomes the target of a bully named Cardin. Cardin constantly hounded and bullied him throughout the entire time at Beacon. The bullying got worse when Cardin found out about Jaune's fake transcripts and proceeded to blackmail him into becoming his slave.

This continued for several weeks until it was time for the field trip to Forever Fall Forest. When Cardin tried to get Jaune to try and harm his partner, Pyrrha, jaune stood up for himself and even saved Cardin from an Ursa Major that was attacking him. Giving him a warning to leave him and his team alone, Jaune left, thinking that he was finally free and looking to put it past him.

Cardin on the other hand didn't, and when they got back to Beacon he exposed Jaune's transcripts being fake and even took the credit of killing the Ursa Major. Soon, the entirety of beacon turned on him.

His friends and team abandoned him. The professors did their best to make him miserable in class. All the students constantly harassed him, beating him daily and even going so far as to try and kill him in combat class.

When his family heard about what he did, they wasted no time and proceeded to disown him. They cast him out and made it known to everyone that he was a traitor and a disgrace to the Arc clan. They cut all contact with him and even threatened that if he ever tried to reach out, he would suffer severe consequences.

Despite all that had happened, Jaune tried to remain hopeful that all this would soon pass. Though reality is a cruel mistress as Jaune was proven otherwise. After many weeks nothing seemed to get better, his friends and all of Beacon hated him, and his family had completely abandoned him. He even called the one sister that he was closest to, Saphron, though after many attempts the one time she picked up she told him to never call her again.

I was once weak, now look at meWhere stories live. Discover now