04: hairdressing isn't your strong suit.

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CHAPTER FOUR: hairdressing isn't your strong suit                     ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·

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CHAPTER FOUR: hairdressing isn't your strong suit

timothée chalamet
tchalamet • instagram
19.1M followers • 134 posts
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hey arden, congrats on the album - super proud
of you for putting something so personal out there.

ahhh timmy! thankyou so much
so sorry for writing those about you i promise im over it

oh please they're in my playlist
they make me hate me

i am really sorry☹️☹️ i just needed emotional material
and well

i broke your heart

but i swear there's no bad blood at all

i get it denny, no hard feelings
they're phenomenal songs
and as i said before im proud of you for putting out
something so personal into the world

it wasn't without great difficulty lmao
i considered scrapping it like four times

yeah i get it
you've never really shared how you're feeling

to be fair i still hardly have
the album was meant to be 14 songs
so nearly half of it was scrapped

little by little
were the songs just too much to put on? or did you
just not like them

a bit of both
i like having some songs for just me and friends
and they also didn't really fit the vibe of the album

well i bet they're just as good as the rest of the songs, arden

would you like to hear them? i can send them over


as long as you promise to not leak them

when have i ever broken a promise?

that is actually one of the unreleased songs lmao

oh god

im sorry

stop apologising for me hurting you
id still like to listen if thats okay? if not dont worry
at all

when have i ever broken a promise? - 3:49.

holy shit i was a huge dick

no you weren't
i just write weirdly

you write beautifully arden
im sorry for hurting you

i'll send over the rest
hair holds memories - 2:38.
24 - 4:05.
venti mocha frappe - 3:10.
over and over and over - 1:47.
close off - 5:02.

fuck arden
never stop writing
or singing
or playing
you are so fucking talented

thankyou timothée

hair holds memories is my favourite
i remember watching your roots grow out because
you refused to dye it
is that why?

when we broke up i tried to go pink and i botched it :(

hairdressing isn't your strong suit

yeah maybe not
at least i can sing though

you can definitely sing

so can you mr pure imagination

stoooooop :(

we should collab sometime
write a joint breakup song

i can just imagine the news articles
'arden melbourne and timothée chalamet write and
perform song live at the grammys.'

im nowhere nesr grammy worthy just yet

stop doubting yourself, denny
when i see you on that stage i'll be the first one up out
of my seat
you deserve all the success you're getting and more
you're going places

dont make me cry :(
thankyou so much
this is the last thing i was expecting

ive been known to surprise

you certainly have
i have to go, harlow's gonna be here soon

no worries, ill stop bothering you :)
have a good rest of your day, arden

you too , timothée
and thankyou again

for what?

for breaking my heart i guess lmao

no problem i guess
later denny

no problem i guesslater dennyseen

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