07: better late than never.

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CHAPTER SEVEN: better late than never                     ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·

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CHAPTER SEVEN: better late than never

timothée chalamet
tchalamet • instagram
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hello again arden

hello again timothée

i just felt like i needed to apologise to you and
explain what i was thinking
you know, that night

you can say break up i'm not going to melt into the
floor lmao
you already have apologised though ?

well yeah but it was a really shitty vague one
will you please let me apologise?

i mean sure i wasn't gonna stop you
knock yourself out

im really sorry for everything i said that night.
you are absolutely nothing like your parents and
no matter what you think about yourself, you are
a thousand times better than them and you always
will be, arden. and i'm sorry that i made you doubt
that. it was the cruelest thing i think i have ever
said to anybody and i feel awful for it.
when you asked if i still loved you, i did. i really
really did, denny. more than anything. i couldnt say
no to you because lying and saying that my world
didn't revolve around you wasn't something i could
i needed to say stuff that i know would make you
hate me. i thought that'd be easier than forcing you in
front of a dozen of cameras 24/7 and a bunch of teen
girls saying things far worse than i did that night. you
deserved a life without me, but im sorry you got it in
the most horrible way possible
i was young and dumb and im really incredibly sorry

that's certainly a lot
its okay, timothée. i forgave you ages ago

its not okay though, i acted awfully towards you and
gave you an explanation three five years too late

okay yeah lol it wasn't okay
but it is now
because you've apologised and owned up for it. better late
than never

you're too understanding
i dont deserve your forgiveness

well too late
you have it
i just find it funny
you broke up with me because you didn't want me dragged
into the spotlight and i still ended up there

yeah but for different reasons
if we stayed together you'd be getting death threats and
other awful shit like that
it's what happened with me and sersh because everyone
was convinced we were dating

are you?

what, are we dating?
god no she's like my sister
my strange irish sister

saiorse seems really sweet
shes a phenomenal actor too i loved her in ladybird

yeah she's great

you were great too
i remember aubrey was sat there saying you 'looked so good'
in it and then when i told her we were dating her heart dropped
and she felt so bad
it was really funny

oh my god that's priceless
kyle was my least favourite role he was a dick

he was indeed

i've missed this
failed to delete!

no fuck fuck fuck

its strange to be talking after so long but me too
i'm glad you reached out

i kinda figured you'd be upset

i was at first
i saw your notification and the first thing i did was pour
myself a shot
i didn't know how the conversation would go
but im glad we're actually talking civilly again

yeah me too

shit i have to go i'm gonna be so late

where you off to?

have a double date
i don't really like the other two much

ah, rough
have a nice date arden

thanks timothée
have a nice rest of your evening

thanks timothée have a nice rest of your evening

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