Chapter 4

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Shin pov

I gasp and my eyes shoot open. When I sit up I see that I’m no longer in the cave with everyone else. I stand up and look around to see if I cam find anyone. I’m in a large canyon with grey rocks on both sides of me. There’s some weeds and vines sticking out of the rock in some places but they are a brownish color, telling me that there isn’t a water source nearby and even if there was, there isn’t enough to survive off of for long. I look around some more and then I see Koji walking over to me, looking from side to side at his surroundings with an analyzing look on his face. I walk towards him as well and when we reach each other, just under a large rock bridge over the top of us, he begins interrogating me.
“Where are we?” He says with an undertone of I don’t care just get me out of here.
“I don’t know, Ko” I say back. “maybe we should just start walking in a direction and see if we can find anything or anyone.”
He nods and takes off down the canyon behind me. It’s deafly silent as we walk down, the sound of rocks getting kicked around the only source of noise.
We walk until the air becomes cold and the stars shine brightly overhead. The longer we walk the more I begin to wonder how we got here and why. Why us? Why here? Where even is here?
Koji clearly gets tired because he walks over to a nearby rock and sits down, his back leaning on it and his legs stretched out in front of him. I sit down next to him, my leg outstretched in front of me and my other leg sitting up with my arm on it.
Koji sighs loudly and leans his head back on the rock. “I really missed you, Shin.”
My gaze alerts to the floor. “I’m…. I’m sorry…” I look over at him and he’s looking at me. His has a small smile on his face and his eyes are teary.
He sniffs. I reach over and grab his shoulder and pull him to me. I hug him and he cries into my shoulder. “I won’t leave again. I promise.”
Koji is like a little brother to me. I can’t imagine what it must have been like for him when I was gone. I saw the way he was living. In a rotten, nasty cave. I made an oath to myself that I would never abandon him ever again.
.     .     .
We’ve been walling for about 10 minutes. The bruises from my crash are beginning to feel warm and my feet ache. But we have to get out of here.
“I think I see someone” Koji whispers to me. I look ahead to see who. There is a person sitting against a rock. You can only see their feet sticking out.
Just as soon as I see them, they disappear. I hear a whisper in my ear, “You failed me.”
I spin around and see someone I haven’t seen in a very long time. “Myles?” I whisper through a shaky voice.
“Shin what are you on about? Myles isn’t here!” Koji yells at me, grabbing my arm and trying to keep me moving.
But he is here. He’s right in front of me. Why can’t he see him?
“Why did you leave me? Why Shin?” He grabs my shoulders, “WHY!” He yells aggressively.
“I….” Tears form in my eyes. “I didn’t mean… I couldn’t find you….”
“Shin what are you even on about!” Koji yells grabbing my arm.
“Did you even try to find me… To save me?” He accuses me angrily. I step forward, trying to find a reason, an explanation, trying to rationalize what was happening.
“I did! I didn't know where you were!”
“Shin snap out of it!” Koji screams behind me as I reach my hand out to grab Myles's shoulder.
Although, before I can he grabs my shoulders aggressively, me having to look down at him, due to me being about a foot taller. “You left me to die!” He yells. But it wasn't his voice anymore. It was someone else. Suddenly I see his teeth grow sharp, saliva dripping from them. His nails dig into my back and I can feel warm liquid dripping down my back. (Note to self Koji couldn't see Myles but he could see the monster so he was trying to attack it and Shin tries to protect the monster.)
Koji was now fighting the sharp tooth monster. The monster was tall, taller than me, with large claws, and long boney fingers. His skin was a muted green color. Off his claws I see blood dripping.
I Realize with a start that was my blood. But I didn't have time to dwell on that, I needed to help Koji.
Just as I was about to run at the monster, it raises his long, bony, thin arm and slashes through the air at Koji, cutting a deep wound and Koji falls on his knees and curls up, holding his arm and screaming in pain. Then the monster runs straight at him and slashes at his face, and everything goes dark
○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○Hello again!! I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been busy with school work and activities with my friends.

Anyways! Here's Shin's point of view!

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